pyARS - the swiss knife for the Remedy developer and admin ########################################################## Download ######## We release this piece of software under the GNU Public License in the hope that it will be useful to some people out there. We use open source software extensively, and would like to contribute back to the community. We also invite you to participate in the further development of pyARS. Just contact me via email (axel at ergorion dot com). Find the current version at `Sourceforge <>`_ known issues ############ - ARSystem API issue: Do not use ARGetMultipleEntries! As soon as you enable this function call in the file, mysterious crashes appear. There seems to be a bad memory corruption within the Remedy dll. - ARSystem API issue: It seems to be fairly easy to crash your server with ARGetMultipleSchemas (new in 6.3). E.g., in our tests, setting the last parameter objPropListList to NULL was certain to bring the server down; therefore, ARGetMultipleSchemas will now provide this structure, even when you call it with a NULL value. And the unit tests check for the correct client API version (by comparing it to the server version), before continuing (using the client 7 API crashed a 6.3 server with ARGetMultipleSchemas as well). - ARSystem API issue: ARGetMultipleVUIs (new in 6.3) seems to be buggy in any ARSystem DLL that I have come across yet, in that the locale list seems to be corrupted. Therefore, use this function with caution! License and Support ################### This software is made available under the `GNU Public License <gpl.txt>`_. However, if you want to sell software based on pyars, you have to get a license from us. You can get commercial support for this module. That means that you can build critical components on pyars and be sure to receive quick and professional support from us (Ergorion) in case something goes wrong in the pyars module... Please contact us at `Ergorion <>`_ for details.