This is the documentation for the high-level ARS API.
(arsSession=None, msgText=None, msgType=1) Bases:
(server='', user='', password='', language='', authString='', tcpport=0, rpcnumber=0) Bases:
(server='', user='', password='', language='', authString='', tcpport=0, rpcnumber=0) Bases:
(name, order, schemaList, groupList, executeMask, controlField=None, focusField=None, enable=True, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) CreateActiveLink creates a new active link with the indicated name on the specified server.
CreateActiveLink creates a new active link with the indicated name on the specified server. The active link is added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about active links. Input: name (ARNameType)
order (c_uint) schemaList (ARWorkflowConnectStruct) groupList (ARInternalIdList) executeMask (c_uint) (optional) controlField (ARInternalId, default = None) (optional) focusField (ARInternalId, default = None) (optional) enable (c_uint, default = None) (optional) query (ARQualifierStruct, default = None) (optional) actionList (ARActiveLinkActionList, default = None) (optional) elseList (ARActiveLinkActionList, default = None) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default = None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) objPropList (ARPropList, default = None)Output: errnr
(user, alertText, priority=0, sourceTag='AR', serverName='@', formName=None, objectId=None) CreateAlertEvent enters an alert event.
CreateAlertEvententers an alert event on the specified server. The AR System server sends an alert to the specified, registered users. Input: user (ARAccessNameType)
alertText (c_char_p) (optional) priority (c_int, default = 0) (optional) sourceTag (ARNameType, default = AR) (optional) serverName (ARServerNameType, default = @) (optional) formName (ARNameType, default = None) (optional) objectId (c_char_p, default = None)Output: entryId (AREntryIdType) or None in case of error
(name, refreshCode, menuDefn, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) CreateCharMenu creates a new character menu with the indicated name. Input: name (ARNameType)
refreshCode (c_uint) menuDef (ARCharMenuStruct) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default = None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) objPropList (ARPropList, default = None)Output: errnr
(name, groupList, admingrpList, ownerObjList, label, description, type_, references, removeFlag, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) CreateContainer a new container with the indicated name.
Use this function to create applications, active links, active link guides, filter guide, packing lists, guides, and AR System-defined container types. A container can also be a custom type that you define. Input: name
groupList admingrpList ownerObjList label description type_ references removeFlag helpText owner changeDiary objPropListOutput: /
(schema, fieldList) CreateEntry creates a new entry in the indicated schema.
You can create entries in base schemas only. To add entries to join forms,create them in one of the underlying base forms. pyars will generate the fieldList for you automatically. Input: schema
a tuple consisting of (fieldid, value) pairsOutput: entryId (AREntryIdType) (or raise ARError in case of error)
(name, escalationTm, schemaList, enable, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) CreateEscalation creates a new escalation with the indicated name.
The escalation condition is checked regularly based on the time structure defined when it is enabled. Input: name (ARNameType)
escalationTm (AREscalationTmStruct) schemaList (ARWorkflowConnectStruct) enable (c_uint) (optional) query (ARQualifierStruct, default = None) (optional) actionList (ARFilterActionList, default = None) (optional) elseList (ARFilterActionList, default = None) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default = None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) objPropList (ARPropList, default = None)Output: errnr
(schema, fieldId, reservedIdOK, fieldName, fieldMap, dataType, option, createMode, defaultVal, permissions, limit=None, dInstanceList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None) CreateField creates a new field with the indicated name on the specified server. Input: schema (ARNameType)
fieldId (ARInternalId) reservedIdOK (ARBoolean) fieldName (ARNameType) fieldMap (ARFieldMappingStruct) dataType (c_uint) option (c_uint) createMode (c_uint) defaultVal (ARValueStruct) permissions (ARPermissionList) (optional) limit (ARFieldLimitStruct, default = None) (optional) dInstanceList (ARDisplayInstanceList, default = None) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default = None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None)Output: fieldId (or None in case of failure)
(name, order, schemaList, opSet, enable, query, actionList, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) Input: Output:
(licenseInfo) Input: licenseInfo Output:
(name, schema, groupList, admingrpList, getListFields, sortList, indexList, defaultVui, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) CreateSchema creates a new form with the indicated name on the specified server. Input: Output:
(fileType, name, id2, fileId, filePtr) CreateSupportFile creates a file that clients can retrieve by using the AR System. Input: Output:
(schema, vuiId, vuiName, locale, vuiType=None, dPropList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None) CreateVUI reates a new form view (VUI) with the indicated name on the specified server. Input: Output:
(date) DateToJulianDate converts a year, month, and day value to a Julian date.
DateToJulianDate converts a year, month, and day value to a Julian date. The Julian date is the number of days since noon, Universal Time, on January 1, 4713 BCE (on the Julian calendar). The changeover from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar occurred in October, 1582. The Julian calendar is used for dates on or before October 4, 1582. The Gregorian calendar is used for dates on or after October 15, 1582. Input: date (a list of (year, month, day) Output: jd
(assignText) DecodeARAssignStruct converts a serialized assign string in a .def file into an ARAssignStruct structure to facilitate string import. Input: assignText Output: assignStruct
(qualText) DecodeARQualifierStruct converts a serialized qualifier string into an ARQualifierStruct structure. Input: qualText Output: qualStruct
(message, messageLen) DecodeAlertMessage decodes a formatted alert message and returns the component parts of the message to the alert client.
- Input: message
- messageLen
Output: a list of (timestamp, sourceType, priority, alertText, sourceTag, serverName, serverAddr, formName, objectId)
(diaryString) DecodeDiary parses any diary field (including the changeDiary associated with every AR System object) into user, time stamp, and text components.
Input: diaryString Output: diaryList
(statHistString) DecodeStatusHistory parses the Status History core field into user and time stamp components. Input: statHistString Output: statHistList
(name) DeleteActiveLink deletes the active link with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any container references to the active link. Input: name Output: errnr
(name) DeleteCharMenu deletes the character menu with the indicated name from the specified server. Input: name Output: errnr
(name) DeleteContainer deletes the container with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any references to the container from other containers.
Input: name Output: errnr
(schema, entryId, option=0) DeleteEntry deletes the form entry with the indicated ID from the specified server.
- Input: schema
- entryId option
Output: errnr
(name) DeleteEscalation deletes the escalation with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any container references to the escalation. Input: name Output: errnr
(schema, fieldId, deleteOption=0) DeleteField deletes the form field with the indicated ID from the specified server.
- Input: schema
- fieldId deleteOption
Output: error number
(name) DeleteFilter deletes the filter with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any container references to the filter.
Input: name Output: errnr
(licenseType, licenseKey) DeleteLicense deletes an entry from the license file for the current server.
- Input: licenseType
- licenseKey
Output: errnr
(schema, fieldList, deleteOption) DeleteMultipleFields deletes the form fields with the indicated IDs from the specified server.
- Input: schema
- fieldList deleteOption
Output: errnr
(name, deleteOption=0) DeleteSchema deletes the form with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any container references to the form.
- Input: name
- deleteOption
Output: errnr
(fileType, name, id2, fileId) DeleteSupportFile deletes a support file in the AR System.
- Input:
- fileType, name id2 (if name is not a form, set id2 to 0.) fileId
Output: errnr
(schema, vuiId) DeleteVUI deletes the form view (VUI) with the indicated ID from the specified server.
- Input:
- schema vuiId
(clientPort) DeregisterForAlerts cancels registration for the specified user on the specified AR System server and port.
Input: clientPort Output:
(assignStruct) EncodeARAssignStruct converts an ARAssignStruct structure into a serialized assignment string.
Input: assignStruct Output: assignText
(qualStruct) EncodeARQualifierStruct converts an ARQualifierStruct into a serialized qualification string.
Input: qualStruct Output: qualText
(diaryList) Input: diaryList Output: diaryString
(statHistList) Input: statHistList Output: statHistString
(command, runOption) ExecuteProcess performs the indicated command on the specified server.
- Input: command
- (optional) runOption (if set to 0 (default), operate synchronously
- Output: synchron: (returnStatus, returnString)
- asynchron: (1, ‘’)
(menuIn) ExpandCharMenu expands the references for the specified menu definition and returns a character menu with list-type items only.
Input: (ARCharMenuStruct) menuIn Output: ARCharMenuStruct
(structArray, displayTag=None, vuiType=0) Export exports AR data structures to a string. Use this function to copy structure definitions from one AR System server to another. Note: Form exports do not work the same way with ARExport as they do in Remedy Administrator. Other than views, you cannot automatically export related items along with a form. You must explicitly specify the workflow items you want to export. Also, ARExport cannot export a form without embedding the server name in the export file (something you can do with the “Server-Independent” option in Remedy Administrator). Input: structArray ((cars.AR_STRUCT_ITEM_xxx, name), ...)
displayTag (optional, default = None) vuiType (optional, default = cars.AR_VUI_TYPE_NONEOutput: string (or None in case of failure)
(obj, freeStruct=False)
(name) GetActiveLink retrieves the active link with the indicated name.
GetActiveLink retrieves the active link with the indicated name on the specified server. Input: name Output: ARActiveLinkStruct (containing): order, schemaList,
groupList, executeMask, controlField, focusField, enable, query, actionList, elseList, helpText, timestamp, owner, lastChanged, changeDiary, objPropList
(parsedStream, activeLinkName)
(qualifier=None) GetAlertCount retrieves the count of qualifying alert events located on the server.
GetAlertCount retrieves the count of qualifying alert events located on the specified server. Input: (optional) qualifier (default: None) Output: count / None
() return a list of all containers of type application
(schema, idList=None, fieldType=1) GetAllFieldNames retrieves all fieldids and names of a given field type for a given schema; this is the opposite function of GetFieldTable.
GetAllFieldNames returns dictionary of field ids and field names. If you do not supply a list of fieldIds, GetFieldTable will retrieve the fields for you by calling ARGetListField, using the option specified in fieldType (defaults to cars.AR_FIELD_TYPE_DATA, i.o.w., it will fetch the info for all data fields). input: schema
(optional) idList (default: None; can be an ARInternalIdList or a tuple of fieldids) fieldType: (default: data fields)output: dictionary {fieldid1: name1, fieldid2: name2,...} or None in case of failure
(name) GetCharMenu retrieves information about the character menu with the indicated name.
Input: name Output: ARMenuStruct (refreshCode, menuDefn, helpText,timestamp,owner,lastChanged, changeDiary,objPropList)
(name, refTypes=1) - Input: name
- (optional) refTypes (a list of ARREF types, e.g. (ARREF_SCHEMA,
Output: ARContainerStruct (groupList, admingrpList, ownerObjList, label, description, type,references,helpText,owner,timestamp,lastChanged,changeDiary,objPropList)
(parsedStream, containerName)
() GetControlStructFields returns the single pieces of the control record.
ARGetControlStructFields returns the single pieces of the control record. This method actually is not necessary in python, as we have direct access to the members of the struct; however to be compatible with arsjython and ARSPerl, we implement this method. Input: Output: (cacheId, errnr, operationTime, user, password, localeInfo, ,
sessionId, authString, server)
(currencyRatios, fromCurrencyCode, toCurrencyCode) GetCurrencyRatio retrieves a selected currency ratio from a set of ratios returned when the client program makes a call to GetMultipleCurrencyRatioSets. Input: currencyRatios
fromCurrencyCode toCurrencyCodeOutput: currencyRatio
(parsedStream, mappingName)
(schemaString, entry, idList=None) GetEntry retrieves the form entry with the indicated ID.
GetEntry retrieves the form entry with the indicated ID on the specified server. Input: schemaString
entry: string with id (or tuple for join) (optional) idList (default: None, retrieve no fields)Output: python dictionary or raise ARError in case of failure
(schema, entry, id_, loc) - Input: schema: schema name
- entry: entry id(s) id_: fieldId loc: ARLocStruct
Output: (in loc)
(schema, query=None, target=None, statistic=1, groupByList=None) GetEntryStatistics computes the indicated statistic for the form entries that match the conditions specified by the qualifier parameter. Input: schema
query target statistic groupByListOutput: results
(name) Input: name Output: AREscalationStruct
(parsedStream, escalationName)
(schema, fieldId) GetField retrieves the information for one field on a form and stores the information in the internal cache.
GetField returns a ARFieldInfoStruct for a given fieldid. Input: schema
fieldIdOutput: ARFieldInfoStruct or None in case of failure
(schemaString, fieldName) GetFieldByName is a shortcut function that combines ars_GetListField and ars_GetField. Given a schema name and field name, it returns the field id. If you need more than a few field id’s, use GetFieldTable. Input: schemaString
fieldNameOutput: fieldid or None in case of failure
(schemaString, idList=None, fieldType=1) GetFieldTable returns a dictionary of field name and field ID. This is the opposite function of GetAllFieldNames.
GetFieldTable returns dictionary of field names and field ids. If you do not supply a list of fieldIds, GetFieldTable will retrieve the fields for you by calling ARGetListField, using the option specified in fieldType (defaults to cars.AR_FIELD_TYPE_DATA, i.o.w., it will fetch the info for all data fields).
- Input: schemaString
- (optional) idList (default: None; can be an ARInternalIdList or a tuple of fieldids) (optional) fieldType (default: cars.AR_FIELD_TYPE_DATA)
Output: dictionary of {field_name : field_id, ...} or None in case of failure
(name) GetFilter retrieves a filter with a given name and stores the information in the internal cache.
Input: filter name Output: ARFilterStruct (order, schemaList, opSet, enable, query, actionList,
elseList, helpText, timestamp, owner, lastChanged, changeDiary, objPropList)
(requestArray) Input: requestArray: array of integers representing the requested information Output: fullTextInfo
(schema=None, changedSince=0) GetListActiveLink retrieves a list of active links for a schema/server.
- Input: (optional) schema (default: None)
- (optional) changeSince (default: 0)
Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
() GetListAlertUser retrieves a list of all users that are registered for alerts.
Input: Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
(changedSince=0) Input: changedSince Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
(changedSince=0, containerArray=0, attributes=1024, ownerObjList=None) GetListContainer retrieves a list of containers.
- Input: (optional) changedSince (default: 0)
- (optional) containerArray: array of values representing container types (default: ARCON_ALL) (optional) attributes (default: ) (optional) ownerObjList (default: None)
Output: ARContainerInfoList Please note: I’m not sure about the parameter configuration; I’ve implemented according to the C API documentation, but the exact usage of attributes & containerTypes is still a secret to me... Beware... has not been tested well!
(schema, query=None, getListFields=None, sortList=None, firstRetrieve=0, maxRetrieve=0) GetListEntry retrieves a list of entries for a schema.
GetListEntry retrieves a list of entries/objects for a specific schema according to specific search query.
- Input: schema/form name
(optional) query string (optional) getListFields (default: None) (optional) sortList (default: None; can be
((fieldid, 1), (id2, 0), ...) with sec. parameter 0 = ascending(optional) firstRetrieve (default: AR_START_WITH_FIRST_ENTRY) (optional) maxRetrieve (default: AR_NO_MAX_LIST_RETRIEVE)
Output: (list ((entryid , shortdesc) , ...), numMatches) or raise ARError in case of failure. It is important that the query looks something like this: ‘field’ = “value” (please note the quotation marks).
(schema, query=None, getListFields=None, sortList=None, firstRetrieve=0, maxRetrieve=0) GetListEntryWithFields retrieve a list of entries for a schema.
GetListEntryWithFields retrieve a list of entries/objects for a specific schema according to specific search query together with their fields and values. It is important that the query looks something like this: ‘field’ = “value” (please note the quotation marks). Input: schema/form name
query string (optional) getListFields: list of fieldids (fid1, fid2, ...) (default: None) (optional) sortList (default: None) (optional) firstRetrieve (default: AR_START_WITH_FIRST_ENTRY) (optional) maxRetrieve (default: AR_NO_MAX_LIST_RETRIEVE)- Output: (list ((entryid , { fid1 : value1, ...}), ()....), numMatches) or raise ARError
- in case of failure
(schema=None, changedSince=0) GetListEscalation retrieves a list of all escalations.
- Input: (optional) schema (default: None)
- (optional): changedSince (default: 0)
Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
(schemaType=1031) GetListExtSchemaCandidates retrieves a list of all available external data source tables (schema candidates). Input: schemaType Output: ARCompoundSchemaList (or None in case of failure)
(schema, changedSince=0, fieldType=1) GetListField returns a list of field ids for a schema.
- Input: string: schema
- (optional) timestamp: changedSince (dfault: 0) (optional) fieldType (default: AR_FIELD_TYPE_DATA)
Output: (fieldid1, fieldid2, ...) or None in case of failure
(schema=None, changedSince=0) GetListFilter return a list of all available filter for a schema.
- Input: (optional) schema (default: None – retrieve all filter names)
- (optional) changedSince (default: 0)
Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
(userName=None, password=None) GetListGroup retrieves a list of access control groups.
GetListGroup retrieves a list of access control groups on the specified server. You can retrieve all groups or limit the list to groups associated with a particular user. Input: (optional) userName
(optional) password- Output: python dictionary of {groupid: (cars.AR_GROUP_TYPE, # read or change
- (list of names), AR_GROUP_CATEGORY)} # regular, dynamic or computed
(licenseType=None) GetListLicense return a list of entries from the license file.
GetListLicense return a list of entries from the license file. Input: (optional) licenseType (str, default: None) Output: ARLicenseInfoList or None in case of failure
(sqlCommand, maxRetrieve=0) GetListSQL retrieves a list of rows from the underlying SQL database on the specified server.
- Input: sqlCommand
- maxRetrieve
- Output: a tuple of (line1, line2, line3, ...) with line being a tuple of
- the columns (col1, col2, col3, ...)
(changedSince=0, schemaType=1024, name='', fieldIdArray=None) GetListSchema return a list of all available schemas
GetListSchema returns a list of all available schemas Input: (optional) changedSince: a timestamp (default: 0)
(optional) schemaType (default: AR_LIST_SCHEMA_ALL | AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT) (optional) name (default “”, only necessary if schemaType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK (optional) fieldIdArray (list of fieldids; default: None; ARS then only returns the
forms that contain all the fields in this list)Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
(changedSince=0, schemaType=1024, name='', fieldIdArray=None, vuiLabel=None) GetListSchemaWithAlias retrieves a list of form definitions and their corresponding aliases. Input: (optional) changedSince: a timestamp (default: 0)
(optional) schemaType (default: AR_LIST_SCHEMA_ALL | AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT) (optional) name (default “”, only necessary if schemaType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK (optional) fieldIdArray (list of fieldids; default: None; ARS then only returns the
forms that contain all the fields in this list)vuiLabel
Output: (nameList [(name1, name2, ...)], aliasList[(name1, name2, ...)])
() GetListServer retrieve the list of available AR System servers.
GetListServer retrieves the list of available AR System servers. Input: Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
(fileType, name, id2=0, changedSince=0) GetListSupportFile retrieves a list of support file IDs for a specified type of object.
GetListSupportFile retrieves a list of support file IDs for a specified type of object. Input:
fileType name id2 changedSinceOutput: fileIdList
(userListType=2, changedSince=0) GetListUser retrieves a list of users.
GetListUser retrieves a list of users. You can retrieve information about the current user, all registered users, or all users currently accessing the server. Input: userListType (default: AR_USER_LIST_CURRENT)
changedSince (default: 0)Output: ARUserInfoList
(schema, changedSince=0) - Input: schema
- changedSince
Output: idList
(localizedRequest) Input: localizedRequest Output: a tuple of (localizedValue, timestamp)
(changedSince=0, nameList=None, orderListP=True, schemaListP=True, groupListListP=False, executeMaskListP=False, controlFieldListP=False, focusFieldListP=False, enableListP=False, queryListP=False, actionListListP=False, elseListListP=False, helpTextListP=False, timestampListP=False, ownersListP=False, lastChangedListP=False, changeDiaryListP=False, objPropListListP=False) - Input: changedSince=0,
- (optional) nameList = None, (optional) orderListP = True, (optional) schemaListP = True, (optional) groupListListP = True, (optional) executeMaskListP = True, (optional) controlFieldListP = True, (optional) focusFieldListP = True, (optional) enableListP = True, (optional) queryListP = True, (optional) actionListListP = True, (optional) elseListListP = True, (optional) helpTextListP = True, (optional) timestampListP = True, (optional) ownersListP = True, (optional) lastChangedListP = True, (optional) changeDiaryListP = True, (optional) objPropListListP = True
Output: ARActiveLinkList
(ratioTimestamps=None) GetMultipleCurrencyRatioSets retrieves a list of formatted currency ratio sets valid for the times specified in the ratioTimestamps argument.
GetMultipleCurrencyRatioSets retrieves a list of formatted currency ratio sets valid for the times specified in the ratioTimestamps argument. You can use ARGetCurrencyRatio to extract a specific currency ratio from a ratio set that this call (ARGetMultipleCurrencyRatioSets) returns. Input: ratioTimestamps Output: currencyRatioSets
(schema, entryIdArray, idList=None) GetMultipleEntries retrieve a list of entries.
GetMultipleEntries retrieve a list of entries/objects for a specific schema according to an array of specific ids together with their fields and values.
- Input: schema/form name
- entryIdArray: array of entry ids to be retrieved; this can either be
- a pythonic array of entryids, or an AREntryListList (as returned by ARGetListEntry) or an AREntryIdListList (as required by ARGetMultipleEntries)
- (optional) idList: an array of zero or more field IDs to be retrieved, this can either
- be a pythonic array of fieldIds or an ARInternalIdList
Output: (ARBooleanList, ARFieldValueListList)
(schema) Input: schema Output: a tuple of (fieldMapping, limit, dataType)
(schemaString, idList=None, fieldId2P=True, fieldNameP=True, fieldMapP=False, dataTypeP=False, optionP=False, createModeP=False, defaultValP=False, permissionsP=False, limitP=False, dInstanceListP=False, helpTextP=False, timestampP=False, ownerP=False, lastChangedP=False, changeDiaryP=False) GetMultipleFields returns a list of the fields and their attributes.
GetMultipleFields returns list of field definitions for a specified form. In contrast to the C APi this function constructs an ARFieldInfoList for the form and returns all information this way. Input: schemaString
- (optional) idList (ARInternalIdList; default: None) we currently
- expect a real ARInternalIdList, because then it’s very easy to simply hand over the result of a GetListField call
- (optional) fieldId2P and all others (Boolean) set to False (default,
- only fieldNameP is set to True)
if you are not interested in those values, to True otherwise (the aprameters have names with ‘P’ appended as in Predicate)
Output: ARFieldInfoList
(localizedRequestList) GetMultipleLocalizedValues Retrieves multiple localized text strings from the BMC Remedy Message Catalog. The messages that the server retrieves depend on the user locale in the control structure. This function performs the same action as ARGetLocalizedValues but is easier to use and more efficient than retrieving multiple values one by one.
Input: localizedRequestList (ARLocalizedRequestList) Output: tuple of (localizedValueList, timestampList) or None in case of failure
(changedSince=0, schemaTypeList=None, nameList=None, fieldIdList=None, schemaListP=True, groupListListP=False, admingrpListListP=False, getListFieldsListP=False, sortListListP=False, indexListListP=False, defaultVuiListP=False, helpTextListP=False, timestampListP=False, ownerListP=False, lastChangedListP=False, changeDiaryListP=False, objPropListListP=False) Input: Output:
(name) GetSchema returns all information about a schema and stores the information in the internal cache.
GetSchema returns all information about a schema. Input: string (schema) Output: (schema, groupList, admingrpList,
getListFields, sortList, indexList, defaultVui, helpText, timestamp, owner, lastChanged, changeDiary, objPropList)(example: to access the list of fields: use result[3])
(requestArray=None) GetServerInfo retrieves the requested configuration information Input: requestArray of integer (AR_SERVER_INFO_*) Output: dictionary {requestedInfoField: Value...}
(requestArray=None) GetServerStatistics returns server statistics.
GetServerStatistics retrieves server statistics ; we expect an array of AR_SERVER_STAT_ (c_uint) values, that this method converts into a ARServerInfoRequestList. Input: (optional) array of integer (AR_SERVER_STAT_*); if not given,
will be replaced by all AR_SERVER_STAT_ entriesOutput: dictionary {requestedStatisticField: Value...}
(variableId) Input: variableId Output: ARValueStruct
() Input: context
(msgId) Input: msgId Output: String with the (localized) error message
(schema, vuiId) - Input: schema: name of schema
- vuiId: internalId
Output: ARVuiInfoStruct (or None in case of failure)
(structArray, importBuf, importOption=0) - Input: structItems
- importBuf optional: importOption (Default=cars.AR_IMPORT_OPT_CREATE) Output: errnr
(jd) Input: jd Output: ARDateStruct
(schema, qualString, displayTag=None) - Input: schema
- qualString: containing the qualification to load (following the syntax
- rules for entering qualifications in the AR System Windows User Tool query bar).
displayTag: name of the form view (VUI) to use for resolving field names.
Output: ARQualifierStruct
(server, username, password, language='', authString='', tcpport=0, rpcnumber=0, cacheId=0, operationTime=0, sessionId=0)
(schema, fieldList, mergeType=1) MergeEntry merges an existing database entry into the indicated form.
You can merge entries into base forms only. To add entries to join forms, merge them into one of the underlying base forms. Input: schema (name of schema)
fieldList (list or dictionary of {fieldid1: value1, ...} mergeType (default: cars.AR_MERGE_ENTRY_DUP_ERROR)Output: entryId (AREntryIdType) or raise ARError in case of failure
(clientPort, registrationFlags=0) RegisterForAlerts registers the specified user with the AR System server to receive alerts.
- Input: clientPort
- registrationFlags (reserved for future use and should be set to zero)
Output: errnr
(name, newName=None, order=None, workflowConnect=None, groupList=None, executeMask=None, controlField=None, focusField=None, enable=None, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) SetActiveLink updates the active link with the indicated name on the specified server. The changes are added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about active links. Because active links operate on clients, individual clients do not receive the updated definition until they reconnect to the form (thus reloading the form from the server).
- Input: name,
- newName, order = None, workflowConnect = None, groupList = None, executeMask = None, controlField = None, focusField = None, enable = None, query = None, actionList = None, elseList = None, helpText = None, owner = None, changeDiary = None, objPropList = None
Output: errnr
(name, newName=None, refreshCode=None, menuDefn=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) SetCharMenu updates the character menu.
The changes are added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about character menus. Because character menus operate on clients, individual clients do not receive the updated definition until they reconnect to the form (thus reloading the form from the server).
- Input:name,
- newName = None, refreshCode = None, menuDefn = None, helpText = None, owner = None, changeDiary = None, objPropList = None
Output: errnr
(name, newName=None, groupList=None, admingrpList=None, ownerObjList=None, label=None, description=None, type_=None, references=None, removeFlag=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) SetContainer updates the definition for the container.
- Input: Input: name
- (optional) newName (default = None) (optional) groupList (default = None) (optional) admingrpList (default = None) (optional) ownerObjList (default = None) (optional) label (default = None) (optional) description (default = None) (optional) type_ (default = None) (optional) references (default = None) (optional) removeFlag (default = None) (optional) helpText (default = None) (optional) owner (default = None) (optional) changeDiary (default = None) (optional) objPropList (default = None)
Output: errnr
(schema, entryId, fieldList, getTime=0, option=None) SetEntry updates the form entry with the indicated ID on the specified server. Input: schema
entryId: entryId to be updated or for join forms: a list of tuples ((schema, entryid), ...) fieldList: a dict or a list of tuples: ((fieldid, value), (fieldid, value), ...) (optional) getTime (the server compares this value with the
value in the Modified Date core field to determine whether the entry has been changed since the last retrieval.)- (optional) option (for join forms only; can be AR_JOIN_SETOPTION_NONE
Output: errnr or raise ARError in case of failure
(name, newName=None, escalationTm=None, schemaList=None, enable=None, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) SetEscalation updates the escalation with the indicated name on the specified server. The changes are added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about escalations.
- Input: (ARNameType) name,
- (ARNameType) newName,
(AREscalationTmStruct) escalationTm, (ARWorkflowConnectStruct) schemaList, (c_uint) enable, (ARQualifierStruct) query, (ARFilterActionList) actionList, (ARFilterActionList) elseList, (c_char_p) helpText, (ARAccessNameType) owner, (c_char_p) changeDiary, (ARPropList) objPropList
Output: errnr
(schema, fieldId, fieldName=None, fieldMap=None, option=None, createMode=None, defaultVal=None, permissions=None, limit=None, dInstanceList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None) SetField updates the definition for the form field.
- Input: schema,
- fieldId, fieldName = None, fieldMap = None, option = None, createMode = None, defaultVal = None, permissions = None, limit = None, dInstanceList = None, helpText = None, owner = None, changeDiary = None
Output: errnr
(name, newName=None, order=None, workflowConnect=None, opSet=None, enable=None, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) SetFilter updates the filter.
The changes are added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about filters. Input: (ARNameType) name (optional, default: None),
(ARNameType) newName (optional, default: None), (unsigned int) order (optional, default: None), (ARWorkflowConnectStruct) workflowConnect (optional, default: None), (unsigned int) opSet (optional, default: None), (unsigned int) enable (optional, default: None), (ARQualifierStruct) query (optional, default: None), (ARFilterActionList) actionList (optional, default: None), (ARFilterActionList) elseList (optional, default: None), (c_char_p) helpText (optional, default: None), (ARAccessNameType) owner (optional, default: None), (c_char_p) changeDiary (optional, default: None), (ARPropList) objPropList (optional, default: None),Output: errnr
(fullTextInfo) SetFullTextInfo updates the indicated FTS information
Note: Full text search (FTS) is documented for backward compatibility only, and is not supported in AR System 6.3. Input: fullTextInfo Output: errnr
(logTypeMask=0, whereToWriteMask=2, file_=None) SetLogging activates and deactivates client-side logging of server activity.
- Input: context
- (optional) logTypeMask: what to log (default: nothing) (optional) whereToWriteMask: to log file or (default) status list (optional) file: FileHandle (default: None)
Output: errnr
(name, newName=None, schema=None, groupList=None, admingrpList=None, getListFields=None, sortList=None, indexList=None, defaultVui=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, setOption=None) SetSchema updates the definition for the form.
If the schema is locked, only the indexList and the defaultVui can be set. Input: name,
(optional) newName = None, (optional) schema = None, (optional) groupList = None, (optional) admingrpList = None, (optional) getListFields = None, (optional) sortList = None, (optional) indexList = None, (optional) defaultVui = None, (optional) helpText = None, (optional) owner = None, (optional) changeDiary = None, (optional) objPropList = None, (optional) setOption = NoneOutput: errnr
(schemaName, xmlDocHdrFtrFlag=0, compoundSchema=None, permissionList=None, subAdminGrpList=None, getListFields=None, sortList=None, indexList=None, defaultVui=None, nextFieldID=None, coreVersion=0, upgradeVersion=0, fieldInfoList=None, vuiInfoList=None, owner=None, lastModifiedBy=None, modifiedDate=None, helpText=None, changeHistory=None, objPropList=None, arDocVersion=0) Dump Schema to XML according...
This function dumps a schema definition into a string in XML format; this implementation takes as arguments the structs that drive the xml output. If you want the more convenient XML output, call ERSetSchemaToXML It is important to understand that this function is executed on the client side; in other words, the user is responsible for fetching all relevant information and handing it over to this function. This call really only transforms the information into XML. Input: context
schemaName (optional) xmlDocHdrFtrFlag (default: 0) (optional) compoundSchema (default: None) (optional) permissionList (default: None) (optional) subAdminGrpList (default: None) (optional) getListFields (default: None) (optional) sortList (default: None) (optional) indexList (default: None) (optional) defaultVui (default: None) (optional) nextFieldID (default: None) (optional) coreVersion (default: 0) (optional) upgradeVersion (default: 0) (optional) fieldInfoList (default: None) (optional) vuiInfoList (default: None) (optional) owner (default: None) (optional) lastModifiedBy (default: None) (optional) modifiedDate (default: None) (optional) helpText (default: None) (optional) changeHistory (default: None) (optional) objPropList (default: None) (optional) arDocVersion (default: 0)Output: string containing the XML.
(serverInfo) SetServerInfo updates the indicated configuration information for the specified server.
Input: serverInfo (can be ARServerInfoList or a pythonic dictionary or list) Output: errnr
(server, port=0, rpcProgNum=0) SetServerPort specifies the port that your program will use to communicate with the AR System server and whether to use a private server.
- Input: server
- port rpcProgNum
Output: errnr
(variableId, variableValue) SetSessionConfiguration sets an API session variable.
- Input: variableId,
- variableValue
Output: errnr
(fileType, name, id2, fileId, filePtr) SetSupportFile sets a support file in the AR System.
- Input: fileType,
- name, id2, fileId, filePtr
Output: errnr
(schema, vuiId, vuiName=None, locale=None, vuiType=None, dPropList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None) - Input: schema,
newVuiId, vuiName, locale,
vuiType, dPropList, helpText, owner, changeDiary
Output: errnr
(signalArray) Signal causes the server to reload information.
Input: (ARSignalList) signalList Output: errnr
() Termination performs environment-specific cleanup routines and disconnects from the specified Action Request System session.
(form, mostRecentActLink=0, mostRecentMenu=0, mostRecentGuide=0) - Input: form
- (ARTimestamp) mostRecentActLink (optional, default = 0) (ARTimestamp) mostRecentMenu (optional, default = 0) (ARTimestamp) mostRecentGuide (optional, default = 0)
- Output: tuple of (formLastModified, numActLinkOnForm, numActLinkSince, menuSinceList
- groupsLastChanged, userLastChanged, guideSinceList)
(licenseType) ValidateLicense confirms whether the current server holds a valid license.
Input: (ARLicenseNameType) licenseType Output: ARLicenseValidStruct (or None in case of failure)
(licenseTypeList) ValidateMultipleLicenses checks whether the current server holds a license for several specified license types. This function performs the same action as ARValidateLicense, but it is easier to use and more efficient than validating licenses one by one.
Input: (ARLicenseNameList) licenseTypeList Output: ARLicenseValidList or None in case of failure
() VerifyUser checks the cache on the specified server to determine whether the specified user is registered with the current server. THe three boolean flags are ignored in this simplified version. Input: Output: tuple of (adminFlag, subAdminFlag, customFlag)
or None in case of failure
(containerArray) take a list of containerTypes and return a ARContainerTypeList
Input: ARContainerTypeList, None, or integer or list of integers Output: ARContainerTypeList
if input is an integer, then the list contains just the integer if input is None, then the list contains ARCON_ALL otherwise, the ARContainerTypeList contains all the values contained in the argument
(schemaString, entry) conv2EntryIdList will try to create an AREntryIdList for either a simple schema/entryid or a joinform/joinentryid or joinform/list_of_entryids input: schemaString: name of schema
- entry: can be an integer or a string or a tuple/array/list
- of (entryid1, entryid2)
output: AREntryIdList
(schema, entryIdArray) take an array of entryids and convert them to a AREntryIdListList. Input: schema (not used any more)
entryIdArray (pythonic list of entryids)Output: AREntryIdListList
(fieldList, schema) conv2EntryListFieldList: take a tuple/array/list of (fieldId, column width, seperator) and return an AREntryListFieldList. This is useful to control the output of GetListEntry and others... future improvement: if columnwidth and/or seperator are not given, take the information from the schema...
(schema, fieldList) conv2FieldValueList: take a dict or a tuple/array/list of (fieldId, value) and return an ARFieldValueList the schema used to be necessary as this function tried to get more detailed information about the fields. Special case attachment: (fieldId, (name, origSize, compSize, filename))
please note only filenames currently supported, no buffers!Special case coords: (fieldid, (numItems, x1, y1, x2, y2...))
(requestArray) conv2FullTextInfoRequestList: take a tuple/array/list of integers and return an ARFullTextInfoRequestList:
>>> res=ar.conv2FullTextInfoRequestList((1, 2, 3)) >>> print res.numItems 3 >>> print res.requestList[2] 3
(idList) take an array of internal fieldids (or a single int) and return ARInternalIdList
(names) take a list of names and convert it to an ARNameList
(permArray) take a list of (groupid, permission) and turn it into an ARPermissionList
(schema, query, displayTag=None)
(refList) take list of reference types and return an ARReferenceTypeList
(requestArray) take a tuple of serverinforequests and return a ARServerInfoRequestList
(fieldList) conv2SortList: take a tuple/array/list of (fieldId, de/ascending) and return an ARSortList; ascending is 1 (or string beginning with ‘a’), descending is 2 (or string beginning with ‘d’). default is ascending order.
(itemArray) conv2StructItemList takes a list of ints and names and converts it into a ARStructItemList; currently the namelist (as the third entry) for selected elements is not supported
(ratioTimestamps) conv2TimestampList takes a list of ints and converts it into an ARTimestampList; if None is handed over, the default is to return a list with one entry of AR_CURRENT_CURRENCY_RATIOS.
(valueStruct, value, dataType=None) take a value and set the members of valueStruct according to dataType Input: valueStruct (ARValueStruct that will be modified inplace)
value (the actual value) (optional) dataType (the dataType to be used)Output: none
(dispInstList) droppes the common properties and returns as a dict the VUIds, with the display property lists as dicts for each VUI
(entryId) we received an AREntryIdList (e.g. from GetListEntry) for a single entry (e.g. in a join form) and need this to be flatened out in a string
(obj) if you want to convert an AREntryIdListList (e.g. from ARGetListEntry) for multiple entries into a pythonic list of entryid strings.
(obj) take an AREntryListFieldValueList (e.g. result of GetListEntryWithFields) and return a dictionary:
{entryid1: {fid1: value, fid2: value...}, entryid2: ....}
(obj) take an AREntryListFieldValueList (e.g. result of GetListEntryWithFields) and return a list:
((entryid1, {fid1: value, fid2: value...}), (entryid2, {}), ....)
(obj) take an AREntryListFieldValueList (e.g. result of GetListEntryWithFields) and return a dictionary:
{entryid1: {“fid1”: value, “fid2”: value...}, entryid2: ....}
(obj) take an AREntryListFieldValueStruct and return [entryid, {fid1: value, fid2:value, ...}]
(obj) take an AREntryListFieldValueStruct and return [entryid, {“fid1”: value, “fid2”:value, ...}]; the dict can be passed to a template string.
(obj) return a dictionary of {entryid: shortdesc, ....} (output of GetListEntry)
(obj) EntryListList is returned by GetListEntry, but GetMultipleEntries expects a EntryIdListList – this function will convert it
(obj) return a list of (entryid, shortdesc) (output of GetListEntry)
(eLS) take an AREnumLimitsStruct and generate a python list out of it. ATTENTION: For AR_ENUM_STYLE_QUERY style EnumLimitsStruct, we should
execute the query!Input: AREnumLimitsStruct Output: (‘execute query on’, queryList.server,
queryList.schema, queryList.qualifier, queryList.nameField, queryList.numberField)
(obj) take an ARFieldValueList and returns a dictionary of fieldid: value for all fieldids in the list
(obj) take an ARFieldValueList and returns a dictionary of str(fieldid): value for all fieldids in the list; this is especially useful in combination with string formatting, then you can have: ‘value of fieldid: %(1)s’ % dict
(obj) take an ARFieldValueListList and returns a list of [{fieldid: value for all fieldids in the list}]
(obj) take an ARFieldValueStruct and return [fieldid, value]
(obj) take an ARFieldValueStruct and return [str(fieldid), value]
(nameList) generate a python list out of an ARNameList
(obj) convert a permissionList to a dictionary of [groupId: right]
(serverInfoList) lookup the operation and return the string explanation for it; if the lookup fails for any value, we just return the list with the numerical values
(userInfoList) takes an ARUserInfoList and returns the following list: ((userName, (license, connectTime, lastAccessTime, defaultNotifier, email)), ...)
(obj) a SQL command executed through ARSystem API returns a ValueListList. Per result line you get the values of the query. This function returns a pythonic list of lists.
(server='', user='', password='', language='', authString='', tcpport=0, rpcnumber=0) Bases:
(name, schema, schemaInheritanceList, groupList, admingrpList, getListFields, sortList, indexList, archiveInfo, defaultVui, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) - CreateSchema creates a new form with the indicated name on the
specified server. Input: name,
schema, schemaInheritanceList (will be set to None) groupList, admingrpList, getListFields, sortList, indexList, archiveInfo, defaultVui, optional: helpText (default =None), optional: owner (default =None, optional: changeDiary (default =None optional: objPropList (default =NoneOutput: errnr
(name, deleteOption=0) DeleteActiveLink deletes the active link with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any container references to the active link. Input:
nameOutput: errnr
(name, deleteOption=0) DeleteCharMenu deletes the character menu with the indicated name from the specified server. Input:
nameOutput: errnr
(name, deleteOption=0) DeleteContainer deletes the container with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any references to the container from other containers.
- Input:
- name
Output: errnr
(name, deleteOption=0) DeleteEscalation deletes the escalation with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any container references to the escalation. Input: name Output: errnr
(name, deleteOption=0) DeleteFilter deletes the filter with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any container references to the filter. Input: name
deleteOptionOutput: errnr
(structArray, displayTag=None, vuiType=0, lockinfo=None) Export exports AR data structures to a string. Use this function to copy structure definitions from one AR System server to another. Note: Form exports do not work the same way with ARExport as they do in Remedy Administrator. Other than views, you cannot automatically export related items along with a form. You must explicitly specify the workflow items you want to export. Also, ARExport cannot export a form without embedding the server name in the export file (something you can do with the “Server-Independent” option in Remedy Administrator). Input: structArray ((cars.AR_STRUCT_ITEM_xxx, name), ...)
displayTag (optional, default = None) vuiType (optional, default = cars.AR_VUI_TYPE_NONE (list) lockInfo: (optional, default = None) a list of (lockType, lockKey)Output: string (or None in case of failure)
() ARExportLicense specifies a pointer that is set to malloced space and contains the full contents of the license file currently on the server. This buffer can be written to a file to produce an exact replication of the license file, including all checksums and encryption.
(applicationName) Retrieves the application state: maintenance (admin only), test, or production.
(schema=None, changedSince=0, objPropList=None) GetListActiveLink retrieves a list of active links for a schema/server.
GetListActiveLink retrieves a list of active links for a schema/server Input:
(optional) schema (default: None) (optional) changedSince (default: 0) (optional) objPropList (default: None)Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
() GetListApplicationState retrieves the list of application states (maintenance, test, or production) that an application on this server can assume. This list is server-dependent. Input: Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
(changedSince=0, formList=None, actLinkList=None, objPropList=None) GetListCharMenu retrieves a list of character menus.
- Input: (int) changedSince (optional, default = 0)
- (tuple of names) formList (optional, default = None) (tuple of names) actLinkList (optional, default = None) (ARPropList) objPropList (optional, default = None)
Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
(changedSince=0, containerArray=0, attributes=1024, ownerObjList=None, objPropList=None) GetListContainer retrieves a list of containers.
GetListContainer retrieves a list of containers. Input: (optional) changedSince (default: 0)
(optional) containerArray: array of values representing container types (default: ARCON_ALL) (optional) attributes (default: cars.AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT) (optional) ownerObjList (default: None) (optional) objPropList (Default: None)Output: ARContainerInfoList (or None in case of failure)
(schema, query=None, getListFields=None, sortList=None, firstRetrieve=0, maxRetrieve=0, useLocale=False) GetListEntry retrieves a list of entries for a schema.
GetListEntry retrieves a list of entries/objects for a specific schema according to specific search query.
- Input: schema/form name
(optional) query string (optional) getListFields (default: None) (optional) sortList (default: None; can be
((fieldid, 1), (id2, 0), ...) with sec. parameter 0 = ascending(optional) firstRetrieve (default: AR_START_WITH_FIRST_ENTRY) (optional) maxRetrieve (default: AR_NO_MAX_LIST_RETRIEVE) (optional) useLocale (default: False)
Output: (list ((entryid , shortdesc) , ...), numMatches) or raise ARError in case of failure. It is important that the query looks something like this: ‘field’ = “value” (please note the quotation marks).
(schema, query, getListFields=None, sortList=None, firstRetrieve=0, maxRetrieve=0, useLocale=False) GetListEntryWithFields retrieve a list of entries for a schema.
GetListEntryWithFields retrieve a list of entries/objects for a specific schema according to specific search query together with their fields and values.
- Input: schema/form name
- query string (optional) getListFields (default: None) (optional) sortList (default: None) (optional) firstRetrieve (default: AR_START_WITH_FIRST_ENTRY) (optional) maxRetrieve (default: AR_NO_MAX_LIST_RETRIEVE) (optional) useLocale (default: False)
Output: (list ((entryid , { fid1 : value1, ...}), ()....), numMatches) or raise ARError in case of failure. It is important that the query looks something like this: ‘field’ = “value” (please note the quotation marks).
(schema=None, changedSince=0, objPropList=None) GetListEscalation retrieves a list of all escalations.
GetListEscalation retrieves a list of all escalations. Input:
(optional) schema (default: None) (optional): changedSince (default: 0) (optional) objPropList (default: None)Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
(schema=None, changedSince=0, objPropList=None) GetListFilter return a list of all available filter for a schema.
GetListFilter return a list of all available filter for a schema/server. Input:
(optional) schema (default: None – retrieve filter for server) (optional) changedSince (default: 0) (optional) objPropList (default: None)Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
(applicationName, userName=None, password=None) GetListRole retrieves a list of roles for a deployable application or returns a list of roles for a user for a deployable application.
(changedSince=0, schemaType=1024, name='', fieldIdArray=None, objPropList=None) GetListSchema return a list of all available schemas
GetListSchema returns a list of all available schemas Input: (optional) changedSince: a timestamp (default: 0)
(optional) schemaType (default: AR_LIST_SCHEMA_ALL | AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT) (optional) name (default “”, only necessary if schemaType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK (optional) fieldIdArray (default: None) ARS then only returns the forms that contain all the fields in this list.Output: (name1, name2, ...) or None in case of failure
(changedSince=0, schemaType=1024, name='', fieldIdArray=None, vuiLabel=None, objPropList=None) GetListSchemaWithAlias retrieves a list of form definitions and their corresponding aliases. Input: (optional) changedSince: a timestamp (default: 0)
(optional) schemaType (default: AR_LIST_SCHEMA_ALL | AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT) (optional) name (default “”, only necessary if schemaType is AR_LIST_SCHEMA_UPLINK (optional) fieldIdArray (list of fieldids; default: None; ARS then only returns the
forms that contain all the fields in this list)vuiLabel objPropList
- Output: ((name1, alias1), (name2, alias2),...)
- or None in case of failure
(changedSince=0, nameList=None) GetMultipleCharMenus retrieves information about a group of character menus on the specified server with the names specified by the nameList parameter.
(changedSince=0, nameList=None, containerTypes=None, attributes=1024, ownerObjList=None, refTypes=None, containerNameListP=True, groupListListP=False, admingrpListListP=False, ownerObjListListP=False, labelListP=False, descriptionListP=False, typeListP=False, referenceListP=False, helpTextListP=False, ownerListP=False, timestampListP=False, lastChangedListP=False, changeDiaryListP=False, objPropListListP=False) GetMultipleContainers retrieves multiple container objects.
(changedSince, appNameList, refTypeList, displayTag=None, vuiType=0, entryPointNameListP=False, entryPointTypeListP=False, entryPointDLabelListP=False, ownerAppNameListP=False, ownerAppDLabelListP=False, groupListListP=False, ownerObjListListP=False, descriptionListP=False, referencesListP=False, helpTextListP=False, timestampListP=False, objPropListListP=False) GetMultipleEntryPoints retrieves the entry points of multiple applications. It returns the entry points that are accessible by the user, taking into account user permissions, licenses, and application states.
(changedSince=0, nameList=None, esclTmListP=True, workflowConnectListP=True, enableListP=False, queryListP=False, actionListListP=False, elseListListP=False, helpTextListP=False, timestampListP=False, ownerListP=False, lastChangedListP=False, changeDiaryListP=False, objPropListListP=False) GetMultipleEscalations retrieves information about a group of escalations on the specified server with the names specified by the nameList parameter.
(changedSince=0, schemaTypeList=None, nameList=None, fieldIdList=None, schemaListP=True, schemaInheritanceListListP=False, groupListListP=False, admingrpListListP=False, getListFieldsListP=False, sortListListP=False, indexListListP=False, archiveInfoListP=False, defaultVuiListP=False, helpTextListP=False, timestampListP=False, ownerListP=False, lastChangedListP=False, changeDiaryListP=False, objPropListListP=False) - Input: changedSince
- schemaTypeList nameList fieldIdList archiveInfoList
Output: ARSchemaList
(importBuf, importOption=0) ImportLicense imports a buffer, which is the contents of a license file, including checksums and encryption and an option, which tells whether to overwrite the existing license file or append to it. When called, the server validates that the buffer is a valid license file and either appends the licenses in the file to the existing license file or replaces the existing license file with the new file.
- Input: importBuf,
- importOption
Output: errnr
(applicationName, stateName) SetApplicationState sets the application state (maintenance, test, or production) in the AR System Application State form.
- Input: applicationName,
- stateName
Output: errnr
(schemaName, xmlDocHdrFtrFlag=0, compoundSchema=None, permissionList=None, subAdminGrpList=None, getListFields=None, sortList=None, indexList=None, archiveInfo=None, defaultVui=None, nextFieldID=None, coreVersion=0, upgradeVersion=0, fieldInfoList=None, vuiInfoList=None, owner=None, lastModifiedBy=None, modifiedDate=None, helpText=None, changeHistory=None, objPropList=None, arDocVersion=0) Dump Schema to XML according...
This function dumps a schema definition into a string in XML format; this implementation takes as arguments the structs that drive the xml output. If you want the more convenient XML output, call ERSetSchemaToXML It is important to understand that this function is executed on the client side; in other words, the user is responsible for fetching all relevant information and handing it over to this function. This call really only transforms the information into XML. Input: context
schemaName (optional) xmlDocHdrFtrFlag (default: 0) (optional) compoundSchema (default: None) (optional) permissionList (default: None) (optional) subAdminGrpList (default: None) (optional) getListFields (default: None) (optional) sortList (default: None) (optional) indexList (default: None) (optional) archiveInfo (default: None) (optional) defaultVui (default: None) (optional) nextFieldID (default: None) (optional) coreVersion (default: 0) (optional) upgradeVersion (default: 0) (optional) fieldInfoList (default: None) (optional) vuiInfoList (default: None) (optional) owner (default: None) (optional) lastModifiedBy (default: None) (optional) modifiedDate (default: None) (optional) helpText (default: None) (optional) changeHistory (default: None) (optional) objPropList (default: None) (optional) arDocVersion (default: 0)Output: string containing the XML.
(server='', user='', password='', language='', authString='', tcpport=0, rpcnumber=0) Bases:
() BeginBulkEntryTransaction marks the beginning of a series of entry API function calls.
Those function calls will be grouped together and sent to the AR System server as part of one transaction. All calls related to create, set, delete, and merge operations made between this API call and a trailing AREndBulkEntryTransaction call will not be sent to the server until the trailing call is made. Input: Output: errnr
(actionType=1) EndBulkEntryTransaction marks the ending of a series of entry API function calls that are grouped together and sent to the AR System server as part of one transaction. All calls related to create, set, delete, and merge operations made before this API call and after the preceding ARBeginBulkEntryTransaction call will be sent to the server when this call is issued and executed within a single database transaction.
(entryBlockList, blockNumber=0) GetEntryBlock retrieves a list of entries contained in a block of entries retrieved using ARGetListEntryBlocks.
- Input: entryBlockList
- (optional) blockNumber (default = 0)
- Output: dictionary {entryid: {fieldid1 : value, ...}, ...}
- or None in case of failure
(schema, query=None, getListFields=None, sortList=None, numRowsPerBlock=50, firstRetrieve=0, maxRetrieve=0, useLocale=False) GetListEntryBlocks retrieves a list of blocks of entries from the specified server. Data is returned as a data structure, AREntryListBlock. Entries are encapsulated in the AREntryListBlock data structure and divided into blocks of entries. You call ARGetEntryBlock with a block number to return a list of entries for that block. Input: Output: (entryBlockList (AREntryBlockList),
numReturnedRows, numMatches) or None in case of failure
(changedSince=0, nameList=None, orderListP=True, workflowConnectListP=True, opSetListP=False, enableListP=False, queryListP=False, actionListListP=False, elseListListP=False, helpTextListP=False, timestampListP=False, ownerListP=False, lastChangedListP=False, changeDiaryListP=False, objPropListListP=False) GetMultipleFilters retrieves information about a group of filters on the specified server with the names specified by the nameList parameter.
(schema, wantList=None, changedSince=0) GetMultipleVUIs retrieves information about a group of form views (VUIs) on the specified server with the names specified by the nameList parameter.
(server, username, password, language='', authString='', tcpport=0, rpcnumber=0, charSet='', timeZone='', customDateFormat='', customTimeFormat='', separators='', cacheId=0, operationTime=0, sessionId=0)
(server='', user='', password='', language='', authString='', tcpport=0, rpcnumber=0) Bases:
(schema, fieldId, reservedIdOK, fieldName, fieldMap, dataType, option, createMode, fieldOption, defaultVal, permissions, limit=None, dInstanceList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None) CreateField creates a new field. Input: schema (ARNameType)
fieldId (ARInternalId) reservedIdOK (ARBoolean) fieldName (ARNameType) fieldMap (ARFieldMappingStruct) dataType (c_uint) option (c_uint) createMode (c_uint) fieldOption (c_uint) defaultVal (ARValueStruct) permissions (ARPermissionList) (optional) limit (ARFieldLimitStruct, default = None) (optional) dInstanceList (ARDisplayInstanceList, default = None) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default = None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None)Output: fieldId (or None in case of failure)
(name, schema, schemaInheritanceList, groupList, admingrpList, getListFields, sortList, indexList, archiveInfo, auditInfo, defaultVui, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None)
(schemaString, idList=None, fieldId2P=True, fieldNameP=True, fieldMapP=False, dataTypeP=False, optionP=False, createModeP=False, fieldOptionP=False, defaultValP=False, permissionsP=False, limitP=False, dInstanceListP=False, helpTextP=False, timestampP=False, ownerP=False, lastChangedP=False, changeDiaryP=False)
(changedSince=0, schemaTypeList=None, nameList=None, fieldIdList=None, schemaListP=True, schemaInheritanceListListP=False, groupListListP=False, admingrpListListP=False, getListFieldsListP=False, sortListListP=False, indexListListP=False, archiveInfoListP=False, auditInfoListP=False, defaultVuiListP=False, helpTextListP=False, timestampListP=False, ownerListP=False, lastChangedListP=False, changeDiaryListP=False, objPropListListP=False) - Input: changedSince
- schemaTypeList nameList fieldIdList archiveInfoList
Output: ARSchemaList
(schema, entryId=None, fieldValueList=None, internalIdList=None) ServiceEntry retrieves the form entry with the indicated ID.
ServiceEntry retrieves the form entry with the indicated ID on the specified server. Input: schema: string
entry: list of (fieldid, value) (optional) idList: list of fieldids (default: None, retrieve no fields)Output: python dictionary
(schema, fieldId, fieldName=None, fieldMap=None, option=None, createMode=None, fieldOption=None, defaultVal=None, permissions=None, limit=None, dInstanceList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None)
(name, newName=None, schema=None, schemaInheritanceList=None, groupList=None, admingrpList=None, getListFields=None, sortList=None, indexList=None, archiveInfo=None, auditInfo=None, defaultVui=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, setOption=None)
(schemaName, xmlDocHdrFtrFlag=0, compoundSchema=None, permissionList=None, subAdminGrpList=None, getListFields=None, sortList=None, indexList=None, archiveInfo=None, auditInfo=None, defaultVui=None, nextFieldID=None, coreVersion=0, upgradeVersion=0, fieldInfoList=None, vuiInfoList=None, owner=None, lastModifiedBy=None, modifiedDate=None, helpText=None, changeHistory=None, objPropList=None, arDocVersion=0) Dump Schema to XML according...
This function dumps a schema definition into a string in XML format; this implementation takes as arguments the structs that drive the xml output. If you want the more convenient XML output, call ERSetSchemaToXML It is important to understand that this function is executed on the client side; in other words, the user is responsible for fetching all relevant information and handing it over to this function. This call really only transforms the information into XML. Input: context
schemaName (optional) xmlDocHdrFtrFlag (default: 0) (optional) compoundSchema (default: None) (optional) permissionList (default: None) (optional) subAdminGrpList (default: None) (optional) getListFields (default: None) (optional) sortList (default: None) (optional) indexList (default: None) (optional) auditInfo (default: None) (optional) indexList (default: None) (optional) defaultVui (default: None) (optional) nextFieldID (default: None) (optional) coreVersion (default: 0) (optional) upgradeVersion (default: 0) (optional) fieldInfoList (default: None) (optional) vuiInfoList (default: None) (optional) owner (default: None) (optional) lastModifiedBy (default: None) (optional) modifiedDate (default: None) (optional) helpText (default: None) (optional) changeHistory (default: None) (optional) objPropList (default: None) (optional) arDocVersion (default: 0)Output: string containing the XML.
(server='', user='', password='', language='', authString='', tcpport=0, rpcnumber=0) Bases:
(name, order, schemaList, opSet, enable, query, actionList, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, errorFilterOptions=0, errorFilterName=None)
(schema, fieldIdList, reservedIdOKList, fieldNameList, fieldMapList, dataTypeList, optionList, createModeList, fieldOptionList, defaultValList, permissionListList, limitList=None, dInstanceListList=None, helpTextList=None, ownerList=None, changeDiaryList=None)
(structItems, displayTag=None, vuiType=1, lockinfo=None, filePtr=None) ExportToFile exports the indicated structure definitions from the specified server to a file. Use this function to copy structure definitions from one AR System server to another. Input: (tuple) structItems
(ARNameType) displayTag (optional, default = None) (c_uint) vuiType (optional, default = AR_VUI_TYPE_WINDOWS) (ARWorkflowLockStruct or tuple) lockinfo (optional, default = None) (FILE) filePtr (optional, default = None, resulting in an error)Output: errnr
(parsedStream, filterName) GetFilterFromXML retrieves a filter from an XML document.
- Input: (ARXMLParsedStream) parsedStream
- (ARNameType) filterName
- Output: (ARFilterStruct, arDocVersion)
- or None in case of failure
(changedSince=0, nameList=None, orderListP=True, workflowConnectListP=True, opSetListP=False, enableListP=False, queryListP=False, actionListListP=False, elseListListP=False, helpTextListP=False, timestampListP=False, ownerListP=False, lastChangedListP=False, changeDiaryListP=False, objPropListListP=False, errorFilterOptionsListP=False, errorFilterNameListP=False) GetMultipleFilters retrieves information about a group of filters on the specified server with the names specified by the nameList parameter.
(name, newName=None, order=None, workflowConnect=None, opSet=None, enable=None, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, errorFilterOptions=None, errorFilterName=None) SetFilter updates the filter.
The changes are added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about filters. Input: name,
newName (optional, default = None) order (optional, default = None) workflowConnect (optional, default = None) opSet (optional, default = None) enable (optional, default = None) query (optional, default = None) actionList (optional, default = None) elseList (optional, default = None) helpText (optional, default = None) owner (optional, default = None) changeDiary (optional, default = None) objPropList (optional, default = None) errorFilterOptions (optional, default = None) errorFilterName (optional, default = None)Output: errnr
(schema, fieldIdList, fieldNameList=None, fieldMapList=None, optionList=None, createModeList=None, fieldOptionList=None, defaultValList=None, permissionListList=None, limitList=None, dInstanceListList=None, helpTextList=None, ownerList=None, changeDiaryList=None, setFieldOptionList=None, setFieldStatusList=None) SetMultipleFields updates the definition for a list of fields with the specified IDs on the specified form on the specified server.
This call produces the same result as a sequence of ARSetField calls to update the individual fields, but it can be more efficient because it requires only one call from the client to the AR System server and because the server can perform multiple database operations in a single transaction and avoid repeating operations such as those performed at the end of each individual call.
(server='', user='', password='', language='', authString='', tcpport=0, rpcnumber=0) Bases:
(name, order, schemaList, groupList, executeMask, controlField=None, focusField=None, enable=True, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, errorActlinkOptions=None, errorActlinkName=None) ARCreateActiveLink creates a new active link.
ARCreateActiveLink creates a new active link with the indicated name on the specified server. The active link is added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about active links. Input: name (ARNameType)
order (c_uint) schemaList (ARWorkflowConnectStruct) groupList (ARInternalIdList) executeMask (c_uint) (optional) controlField (ARInternalId, default = None) (optional) focusField (ARInternalId, default = None) (optional) enable (c_uint, default = None) (optional) query (ARQualifierStruct, default = None) (optional) actionList (ARActiveLinkActionList, default = None) (optional) elseList (ARActiveLinkActionList, default = None) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default = None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) objPropList (ARPropList, default = None) errorActlinkOptions (Reserved for future use. Set to NULL.) errorActlinkName (Reserved for future use. Set to NULL.)Output: errnr
(name, imageBuf, imageType, description=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) CreateImage creates a new image with the indicated name on the specified server Input: name (ARNameType)
imageBuf (ARImageDataStruct) imageType (c_char_p, Valid values are: BMP, GIF, JPEG or JPG, and PNG.) (optional) description (c_char_p, default: None) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default: None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default: None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default: None) (optional) objPropList (ARPropList, default: None)Output: errnr
(name, updateRef) DeleteImage deletes the image with the indicated name from the specified server. Input: name (ARNameType)
updateRef (ARBoolean, specify TRUE to remove all references to the image)Output: errnr
(parsedStream, activeLinkName, appBlockName=None) GetActiveLinkFromXML retrieves an active link from an XML document.
- Input: parsedStream
- activeLinkName appBlockName
- Output: (ARActiveLinkStruct, supportFileList, arDocVersion) or
- None in case of failure
(eventIdList, returnOption=0) GetCacheEvent retrieves the list of events that occurred in the AR System server cache and the number of server caches, and indicates when administrative operations become public. You can direct this API call to either return the results immediately or when the next event occurs. This call is useful for detecting cache events in production cache mode. In developer cache mode, the call always returns immediately regardless of the value of the return option. In developer cache mode, there can only ever be one copy of the cache and it is always public. Input: eventIdList (ARInternalIdList)
returnOption (c_uint, default = 0, call returns the information immediately)- Output: (eventIdOccuredList (ARInternalIdList), cacheCount (c_uint)) or
- None in case of failure
(parsedStream, poolName, appBlockName) ARGetDSOPoolFromXML retrieves information about a DSO pool from a definition in an XML document. Input: parsedStream (ARXMLParsedStream)
poolName (ARNameType) appBlockName (ARNameType)- Output: (enabled (c_uint),
- defaultPool (c_uint), threadCount (c_long), connection (c_char_p), polling (c_uint), pollingInterval (c_uint), owner (ARAccessNameType), lastModifiedBy (ARAccessNameType), modifiedDate (ARTimestamp), helpText (c_char_p), changeHistory (c_char_p), objPropList (ARPropList), arDocVersion (c_uint)) or None in case of failure
(name) GetImage retrieves information about the specified image from the specified server. Input: name (ARNameType) Output: (content (ARImageDataStruct),
imageType (c_char_p), timestamp (ARTimeStamp), checkSum (c_char_p), description (c_char_p), helpText (c_char_p), owner (ARAccessNameType), changeDiary (c_char_p), objPropList (ARPropList)) or None in case of failure
(parsedStream, imageName, appBlockName) ARGetImageFromXML retrieves information about an image from an XML document. Input: parsedStream (ARXMLParsedStream)
imageName (ARNameType) appBlockName (ARNameType)- Output: (imageType (c_char_p),
- contentLength (c_uint), checksum (c_char_p), timestamp (ARTimestamp), description (c_char_p), owner (ARAccessNameType), lastModifiedBy (ARAccessNameType), helpText (c_char_p), changeHistory (c_char_p), objPropList (ARPropList), imageCon (c_char_p)) or None in case of failure
(queryFromList, getListFields=None, qualifier=None, sortList=None, firstRetrieve=0, maxRetrieve=0, useLocale=False) GetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields performs dynamic joins by querying across multiple forms—including view and vendor forms—at run time. Input: queryFromList (ARMultiSchemaQueryFromList)
(optional) getListFields (ARMultiSchemaFieldIdList, deafult =None), (optional) qualifier (ARMultiSchemaQualifierStruct, default = None), (optional) sortList (ARMultiSchemaSortList, default = None), (optional) firstRetrieve (c_uint, default=cars.AR_START_WITH_FIRST_ENTRY), (optional) maxRetrieve (c_uint, default=cars.AR_NO_MAX_LIST_RETRIEVE), (optional) useLocale (ARBoolean, default = False)Output: (ARMultiSchemaFieldValueListList, numMatches (c_uint))
(schemaList=None, changedSince=0, imageType=None) GetListImage retrieves a list of image names from the specified server. You can retrieve all images or limit the list to those images associated with particular schemas, those modified after a specified time, and those of a specific type. Input: schemaList (list of names),
changedSince (ARTimestamp, default = 0), imageType (c_char_p, default = None)Output: imageList (ARNameList) or raise ARError in case of failure
(changedSince=0, nameList=None, orderListP=True, schemaListP=True, groupListListP=True, executeMaskListP=True, controlFieldListP=True, focusFieldListP=True, enableListP=True, queryListP=True, actionListListP=True, elseListListP=True, helpTextListP=True, timestampListP=True, ownersListP=True, lastChangedListP=True, changeDiaryListP=True, objPropListListP=True, errorActlinkOptionsListP=True, errorActlinkNameListP=True) - Input: changedSince=0,
- nameList=None, (optional) orderListP = True, (optional) schemaListP = True, (optional) groupListListP = True, (optional) executeMaskListP = True, (optional) controlFieldListP = True, (optional) focusFieldListP = True, (optional) enableListP = True, (optional) queryListP = True, (optional) actionListListP = True, (optional) elseListListP = True, (optional) helpTextListP = True, (optional) timestampListP = True, (optional) ownersListP = True, (optional) lastChangedListP = True, (optional) changeDiaryListP = True, (optional) objPropListListP = True, (optional) errorActlinkOptionsListP = True (optional) errorActlinkNameListP = True
Output: ARActiveLinkList
(changedSince=0, nameList=None) GetMultipleImages retrieves information from the specified server about the images whose names are specified in the nameList parameter. This function performs the same action as ARGetImage, but it is more efficient than retrieving information about multiple images one by one. Input: (optional) changedSince (c_uint, default = 0),
(optional) nameList (ARNameList, default = None)Output:
() GetObjectChangeTimes retrieves timestamps for the last create, modify, and delete operations for each type of server object. Input: Output: ARObjectChangeTimestampList or None in case of failure
(schema, qualifier=None, getListFields=None, sortList=None, useLocale=False) GetOneEntryWithFields retrieves one entry from AR System matching a given qualification. Similar to ARGetListEntryWithFields, with the following behavioral changes: - If the qualifier in the API call matches multiple records, only the first is returned. - Get filters on the form being queried are fired for that one record. This function is equivalent to issuing an ARGetListEntry call followed by ARGetEntry with one of the entry IDs. The keyword $LASTCOUNT$ is set to the number of entries matched, even though only one is returned. Input: schema (ARNameType)
(default) qualifier (ARQualifierStruct, default = None) (default) getListFields (AREntryListFieldList, default = None) (default) sortList (ARSortList, default = None) (default) useLocale (ARBoolean, default = False)Output: (entryList (AREntryListFieldValueList), numMatches (c_uint))
(name, newName=None, order=None, workflowConnect=None, groupList=None, executeMask=None, controlField=None, focusField=None, enable=None, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, errorActlinkOptions=None, errorActlinkName=None) SetActiveLink updates the active link.
The changes are added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about active links. Because active links operate on clients, individual clients do not receive the updated definition until they reconnect to the form (thus reloading the form from the server). Input: name,
(optional) newName = None, (optional) order = None, (optional) workflowConnect = None, (optional) groupList = None, (optional) executeMask = None, (optional) controlField = None, (optional) focusField = None, (optional) enable = None, (optional) query = None, (optional) actionList = None, (optional) elseList = None, (optional) helpText = None, (optional) owner = None, (optional) changeDiary = None, (optional) objPropList = None (optional) errorActlinkOptions = None, (optional) errorActlinkName = NoneOutput: errnr
(activeLinkName) SetActiveLinkToXML converts active links to XML.
Input: activeLinkName (ARNameType), Output: string containing the XML
or None in case of failure
(poolName, xmlDocHdrFtrFlag=False, enabled=0, defaultPool=True, threadCount=0, connection=None, polling=c_ulong(0L), pollingInterval=c_ulong(0L), owner=None, lastModifiedBy=None, modifiedDate=0, helpText=None, changeHistory=None, objPropList=None, arDocVersion=c_ulong(0L)) SetDSOPoolToXML retrieves information about the DSO pool.
Input: Output: string containing the XML
or None in case of failure
(name, newName=None, imageBuf=None, imageType=None, description=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) SetImage updates the image with the indicated name on the specified server. After the image is updated, the server updates all references and object property timestamps for schemas affected by the change. Input: name (ARNameType)
newName (ARNameType, default = None) imageBuf (ARImageDataStruct, default = None) imageType (c_char_p, default = None) description (c_char_p, default= None) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) owner (ARAccessNameType, dfault = None) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None) objPropList (ARPropList, default = None)Output: errnr
(imageName, xmlDocHdrFtrFlag, imageType, description, owner, lastModifiedBy, helpText, changeHistory, objPropList, checksum, modifiedDate, imageContent) SetImageToXML saves information about an image to an XML document. Input: ARNameType imageName
ARBoolean xmlDocHdrFtrFlagchar *imageType, char *description ARAccessNameType owner, ARAccessNameType lastModifiedBy, char *helpText, char *changeHistory, ARPropList *objPropList, char checksum, ARTimestamp *modifiedDate, ARImageDataStruct imageContent Output: errnr
() WfdClearAllBreakpoints removes all breakpoints from the server..
Input: Output: errnr
(bpId) WfdClearBreakpoint removes the specified breakpoint from the server.
Input: bpId (c_uint) Output: errnr
(mode=0) WfdExecute instructs the debug server to begin execution. Input: (optional) mode (c_uint, default: single step) Output: errnr
(howFarBack=0) WfdGetCurrentLocation description Requests the current location of the worker thread during debugging. Input: (optional) howFarBack (c_uint, default = 0) Output: location
() WfdGetDebugMode returns the current debug mode. Input: Output: integer (current debug mode)
(howFarBack=0) WfdGetFieldValues Requests the field-value list associated with the current schema at the current location. Input: (optional) howFarBack (c_uint, default = 0) Output:
() WfdGetFilterQual requests the field-value list associated with the current schema at the current location. Input: Output: filterQual (ARQualifierStruct)
(keywordId) WfdGetKeywordValue retrieves the value of a keyword, if possible. Input: keywordId (c_uint) Output: ARValueStruct
(mask=0) ARWfdGetUserContext retrieves information associated with the workflow user. Input: mask (c_uint) Output: ARWfdUserContext
() ARWfdListBreakpoints returns a list of server breakpoints. Input: Output: ARWfdRmtBreakpointList (or None in case of failure)
(inBp) WfdSetBreakpoint sets a breakpoint on the server, and overwrites if needed. Input: inBp (ARWfdRmtBreakpoint) Output: errnr
(mode=0) WfdSetDebugMode sets a new debug mode. Input: (optional) mode (c_uint, default: WFD_EXECUTE_STEP) Output: errnr
(trFieldList, dbFieldList) WfdSetFieldValues overwrites the field-value list associated with the current schema at the current location. Input: trFieldList (ARFieldValueList)
dbFieldList (ARFieldValueList)Output: errnr
(result) ARWfdSetQualifierResult forces the qualifier result to the specified Boolean value. Input: result (ARBoolean) Output: errnr
(errorCode) WfdTerminateAPI causes workflow to return with an optionally specified error at the next opportunity. If an error is not specified, a generic TERMINATED_BY_DEBUGGER error will be returned Input: errorCode (c_uint) Output: errnr
(server='', user='', password='', language='', authString='', tcpport=0, rpcnumber=0) Bases:
(name) CommitTask: undocumented function
Input: (ARNameType) name Output: errnr
(name, order, schemaList, groupList, executeMask, controlField=None, focusField=None, enable=True, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, errorActlinkOptions=None, errorActlinkName=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) ARCreateActiveLink creates a new active link.
ARCreateActiveLink creates a new active link with the indicated name on the specified server. The active link is added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about active links. Input: name (ARNameType)
order (c_uint) schemaList (ARWorkflowConnectStruct) groupList (ARInternalIdList) executeMask (c_uint) (optional) controlField (ARInternalId, default = None) (optional) focusField (ARInternalId, default = None) (optional) enable (c_uint, default = None) (optional) query (ARQualifierStruct, default = None) (optional) actionList (ARActiveLinkActionList, default = None) (optional) elseList (ARActiveLinkActionList, default = None) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default = None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) objPropList (ARPropList, default = None) (optional) errorActlinkOptions (Reserved for future use. Set to NULL.) (optional) errorActlinkName (Reserved for future use. Set to NULL.) (optional) objectModificationLogLabel (c_char_p, default = None)Output: errnr
(name, refreshCode, menuDefn, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) CreateCharMenu creates a new character menu with the indicated name. Input: name (ARNameType)
refreshCode (c_uint) menuDef (ARCharMenuStruct) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default = None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) objPropList (ARPropList, default = None) (optional) objectModificationLogLabel (c_char_p, default = None)Output: errnr
(name, groupList, admingrpList, ownerObjList, label, description, type_, references, removeFlag, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) CreateContainer a new container with the indicated name.
Use this function to create applications, active links, active link guides, filter guide, packing lists, guides, and AR System-defined container types. A container can also be a custom type that you define. Input: name
groupList admingrpList ownerObjList label description type_ references removeFlag helpText owner changeDiary objPropList (optional) objectModificationLogLabel (c_char_p, default = None)Output: errnr
(name, escalationTm, schemaList, enable, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) CreateEscalation creates a new escalation with the indicated name.
The escalation condition is checked regularly based on the time structure defined when it is enabled. Input: name (ARNameType)
escalationTm (AREscalationTmStruct) schemaList (ARWorkflowConnectStruct) enable (c_uint) (optional) query (ARQualifierStruct, default = None) (optional) actionList (ARFilterActionList, default = None) (optional) elseList (ARFilterActionList, default = None) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default = None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) objPropList (ARPropList, default = None) (optional) objectModificationLogLabel (c_char_p, default = None)Output: errnr
(schema, fieldId, reservedIdOK, fieldName, fieldMap, dataType, option, createMode, fieldOption, defaultVal, permissions, limit=None, dInstanceList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) CreateField creates a new field. Input: schema (ARNameType)
fieldId (ARInternalId) reservedIdOK (ARBoolean) fieldName (ARNameType) fieldMap (ARFieldMappingStruct) dataType (c_uint) option (c_uint) createMode (c_uint) fieldOption (c_uint) defaultVal (ARValueStruct) permissions (ARPermissionList) (optional) limit (ARFieldLimitStruct, default = None) (optional) dInstanceList (ARDisplayInstanceList, default = None) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default = None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) objPropList (ARPropList, default = None)Output: fieldId (or None in case of failure)
(name, order, schemaList, opSet, enable, query, actionList, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, errorFilterOptions=0, errorFilterName=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) CreateFilter creates a new filter.
CreateFilter creates a new filter with the indicated name on the specified server. The filter takes effect immediately and remains in effect until changed or deleted. Input: name,
(unsigned int) order, (ARWorkflowConnectStruct) schemaList, (unsigned int) opSet, (unsigned int) enable, (ARQualifierStruct) query, (ARFilterActionList) actionList (ARFilterActionList) elseList (optional, default = None) (char) helpText (optional, default = None) (ARAccessNameType) owner (optional, default = None) (char) changeDiary (optional, default = None) (ARPropList) objPropList (optional, default = None) (unsigned int) errorFilterOptions (optional, default = None) (ARNameType) errorFilterName (optional, default = None) (c_char) objectModificationLogLabel (optional, default = None)Output: errnr
(name, imageBuf, imageType, description=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) CreateImage creates a new image with the indicated name on the specified server Input: name (ARNameType)
imageBuf (ARImageDataStruct) imageType (c_char_p, Valid values are: BMP, GIF, JPEG or JPG, and PNG.) (optional) description (c_char_p, default: None) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default: None) (optional) owner (ARAccessNameType, default: None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default: None) (optional) objPropList (ARPropList, default: None) (c_char) objectModificationLogLabel (optional, default = None)Output: errnr
(schema, fieldIdList, reservedIdOKList, fieldNameList, fieldMapList, dataTypeList, optionList, createModeList, fieldOptionList, defaultValList, permissionListList, limitList=None, dInstanceListList=None, helpTextList=None, ownerList=None, changeDiaryList=None, objPropListList=None) CreateMultipleFields creates multiple fields in a form.
This function produces the same result as a sequence of ARCreateField calls to create the individual fields, but it can be more efficient. This function requires only one call from the client to the AR System server. The server can perform multiple database operations in a single transaction and avoid repeating operations such as those performed at the end of each individual call. If an error occurs creating an individual field, no fields are created. Input: ARNameType schema,
(ARInternalIdList) fieldIdList, (ARBooleanList) reservedIdOKList (ARNamePtrList) fieldNameList, (ARFieldMappingList) fieldMapList, (ARUnsignedIntList) dataTypeList, (ARUnsignedIntList) optionList, (ARUnsignedIntList) createModeList, (ARUnsignedIntList) fieldOptionList, (ARValuePtrList) defaultValList, (ARPermissionListPtrList) permissionListList, (ARFieldLimitPtrList) limitList, (ARDisplayInstanceListPtrList) dInstanceListList, (ARTextStringList) helpTextList, (ARAccessNamePtrList) ownerList, (ARTextStringList) changeDiaryList (ARPropListList) objPropListListOutput: errnr
(name, schema, schemaInheritanceList, groupList, admingrpList, getListFields, sortList, indexList, archiveInfo, auditInfo, defaultVui, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None)
(name, chars=None, objProperties=None, versionControlList=None) CreateTask: undocumented function
- Input: (ARNameType) name
- (c_char) chars (ARPropList) objProperties (ARVercntlObjectList) versionControlList
Output: errnr
(schema, vuiId, vuiName, locale, vuiType=None, dPropList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, smObjProp=None) CreateVUI reates a new form view (VUI) with the indicated name on the specified server. Input: schema
vuiId (can be 0 or a value between 536870912 and 2147483647) vuiName locale optional: vuiType (default = None) optional: dPropList (default = None) optional: helpText (default = None) optional: owner (default = None) optional: changeDiary (default = None) optional: smObjProp (default = None)Output: vuiId (or None in case of failure)
(name, deleteOption=0, objectModificationLogLabel=None) DeleteActiveLink deletes the active link.
DeleteActiveLink deletes the active link with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any container references to the active link. Input: name
(optional) deleteOption (default = cars.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION) (optional) objectModificationLogLabel (c_char_p, default = None)Output: errnr
(name, deleteOption=0, objectModificationLogLabel=None) DeleteCharMenu deletes the character menu with the indicated name from the specified server.
- Input: name
- (optional) deleteOption (default = cars.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION) (optional) objectModificationLogLabel (c_char_p, default = None)
Output: errnr
(name, deleteOption=0, objectModificationLogLabel=None) DeleteContainer deletes the container .
DeleteContainer deletes the container with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any references to the container from other containers. Input: name
(optional) deleteOption (default = cars.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION) (optional) objectModificationLogLabel (default = None)Output: errnr
(name, deleteOption=0, objectModificationLogLabel=None) DeleteEscalation deletes the escalation.
DeleteEscalation deletes the escalation with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any container references to the escalation. Input: name
(optional) deleteOption (default = cars.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION) (optional) objectModificationLogLabel (c_char_p, default = None)Output: errnr
(name, deleteOption=0, objectModificationLogLabel=None) DeleteFilter deletes the filter with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any container references to the filter. Input: name
(optional) deleteOption (default = cars.AR_DEFAULT_DELETE_OPTION) (c_char_p) objectModificationLogLabel (optional, default = None)Output: errnr
(name, updateRef, objectModificationLogLabel=None) DeleteImage deletes the image with the indicated name from the specified server. Input: name (ARNameType)
updateRef (ARBoolean, specify TRUE to remove all references to the image) (c_char_p) objectModificationLogLabel (optional, default = None)Output: errnr
(name, deleteOption=0, objectModificationLogLabel=None) DeleteSchema deletes the form with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any container references to the form.
- Input: name
- deleteOption (c_char_p) objectModificationLogLabel (optional, default = None)
Output: errnr
(name) DeleteTask: undocumented function
Input: (ARNameType) name Output: errnr
(structArray, displayTag=None, vuiType=0, exportOption=0, lockinfo=None) Export exports AR data structures to a string. Use this function to copy structure definitions from one AR System server to another. Note: Form exports do not work the same way with ARExport as they do in Remedy Administrator. Other than views, you cannot automatically export related items along with a form. You must explicitly specify the workflow items you want to export. Also, ARExport cannot export a form without embedding the server name in the export file (something you can do with the “Server-Independent” option in Remedy Administrator). Input: structArray ((cars.AR_STRUCT_ITEM_xxx, name), ...)
displayTag (optional, default = None) vuiType (optional, default = cars.AR_VUI_TYPE_NONE (c_uint) exportOption (optional, default = cars.EXPORT_DEFAULT) (list) lockInfo: (optional, default = None) a list of (lockType, lockKey)Output: string (or None in case of failure)
(structItems, displayTag=None, vuiType=1, exportOption=0, lockinfo=None, filePtr=None) ExportToFile exports the indicated structure definitions from the specified server to a file. Use this function to copy structure definitions from one AR System server to another. Input: (tuple) structItems
(ARNameType) displayTag (optional, default = None) (c_uint) vuiType (optional, default = AR_VUI_TYPE_WINDOWS) (c_uint) exportOption (optional, default = cars.EXPORT_DEFAULT) (ARWorkflowLockStruct or tuple) lockinfo (optional, default = None) (FILE) filePtr (optional, default = None, resulting in an error)Output: errnr
(changedSince=0, nameList=None, orderListP=True, schemaListP=True, assignedGroupListListP=True, groupListListP=True, executeMaskListP=True, controlFieldListP=True, focusFieldListP=True, enableListP=True, queryListP=True, actionListListP=True, elseListListP=True, helpTextListP=True, timestampListP=True, ownersListP=True, lastChangedListP=True, changeDiaryListP=True, objPropListListP=True, errorActlinkOptionsListP=True, errorActlinkNameListP=True) - Input: changedSince=0,
- nameList=None, (optional) orderListP = True, (optional) schemaListP = True, (optional) assignedGroupListListP = True, (optional) groupListListP = True, (optional) executeMaskListP = True, (optional) controlFieldListP = True, (optional) focusFieldListP = True, (optional) enableListP = True, (optional) queryListP = True, (optional) actionListListP = True, (optional) elseListListP = True, (optional) helpTextListP = True, (optional) timestampListP = True, (optional) ownersListP = True, (optional) lastChangedListP = True, (optional) changeDiaryListP = True, (optional) objPropListListP = True, (optional) errorActlinkOptionsListP = True (optional) errorActlinkNameListP = True
Output: ARActiveLinkList
(schemaString, idList=None, fieldId2P=True, fieldNameP=True, fieldMapP=False, dataTypeP=False, optionP=False, createModeP=False, fieldOptionP=False, defaultValP=False, assignedGroupListListP=False, permissionsP=False, limitP=False, dInstanceListP=False, helpTextP=False, timestampP=False, ownerP=False, lastChangedP=False, changeDiaryP=False, objPropListListP=False) GetMultipleFields returns a list of the fields and their attributes.
GetMultipleFields returns list of field definitions for a specified form. In contrast to the C APi this function constructs an ARFieldInfoList for the form and returns all information this way. Input: schemaString
- (optional) idList (ARInternalIdList; default: None) we currently
- expect a real ARInternalIdList, because then it’s very easy to simply hand over the result of a GetListField call
- (optional) fieldId2P and all others (Boolean) set to False (default,
- only fieldNameP is set to True)
if you are not interested in those values, to True otherwise (the aprameters have names with ‘P’ appended as in Predicate)
Output: ARFieldInfoList
(changedSince=0, schemaTypeList=None, nameList=None, fieldIdList=None, schemaListP=True, schemaInheritanceListListP=False, assignedGroupListListP=False, groupListListP=False, admingrpListListP=False, getListFieldsListP=False, sortListListP=False, indexListListP=False, archiveInfoListP=False, auditInfoListP=False, defaultVuiListP=False, helpTextListP=False, timestampListP=False, ownerListP=False, lastChangedListP=False, changeDiaryListP=False, objPropListListP=False) - Input: changedSince
- schemaTypeList nameList fieldIdList archiveInfoList
Output: ARSchemaList
(structArray, importBuf, importOption=0, objectModificationLogLabel=None) - Input: structItems
- importBuf optional: importOption (Default=cars.AR_IMPORT_OPT_CREATE) (optional) objectModificationLogLabel (c_char_p, default = None)
Output: errnr
(name) RollbackTask: undocumented function
Input: (ARNameType) name Output: errnr
(name, newName=None, order=None, workflowConnect=None, groupList=None, executeMask=None, controlField=None, focusField=None, enable=None, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, errorActlinkOptions=None, errorActlinkName=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) SetActiveLink updates the active link.
The changes are added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about active links. Because active links operate on clients, individual clients do not receive the updated definition until they reconnect to the form (thus reloading the form from the server). Input: name (ARNameType),
(optional) newName (ARNameType, default = None) (optional) order (c_uint, default = None) (optional) workflowConnect (ARWorkflowConnectStruct, default = None) (optional) groupList (ARInternalIdList, default = None) (optional) executeMask (c_uint, default = None) (optional) controlField (ARInternalId, default = None) (optional) focusField (ARInternalId, default = None) (optional) enable (c_uint, default = None) (optional) query (ARQualifierStruct, default = None) (optional) actionList (ARActiveLinkActionList, default = None) (optional) elseList (ARActiveLinkActionList, default = None) (optional) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) ARAccessNameType (ARNameType, default = None) (optional) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None) (optional) objPropList (ARPropList, default = None) (optional) errorActlinkOptions (c_uint, default = None) (optional) errorActlinkName (ARNameType, default = None) (optional) objectModificationLogLabel (c_char_p, default = None)Output: errnr
(name, newName=None, refreshCode=None, menuDefn=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) SetCharMenu updates the character menu.
The changes are added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about character menus. Because character menus operate on clients, individual clients do not receive the updated definition until they reconnect to the form (thus reloading the form from the server). Input: name,
(optional) newName, (optional) refreshCode, (optional) menuDefn, (optional) helpText, (optional) owner, (optional) changeDiary, (optional) objPropList (optional) objectModificationLogLabelOutput: errnr
(name, newName=None, groupList=None, admingrpList=None, ownerObjList=None, label=None, description=None, type_=None, references=None, removeFlag=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) SetContainer updates the definition for the container.
- Input: Input: name
- (optional) newName (default = None) (optional) groupList (default = None) (optional) admingrpList (default = None) (optional) ownerObjList (default = None) (optional) label (default = None) (optional) description (default = None) (optional) type_ (default = None) (optional) references (default = None) (optional) removeFlag (default = None) (optional) helpText (default = None) (optional) owner (default = None) (optional) changeDiary (default = None) (optional) objPropList (default = None) (optional) objectModificationLogLabel (default = None)
Output: errnr
(name, newName=None, escalationTm=None, schemaList=None, enable=None, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) SetEscalation updates the escalation with the indicated name on the specified server. The changes are added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about escalations.
- Input: (ARNameType) name,
- (ARNameType) newName,
(AREscalationTmStruct) escalationTm, (ARWorkflowConnectStruct) schemaList, (c_uint) enable, (ARQualifierStruct) query, (ARFilterActionList) actionList, (ARFilterActionList) elseList, (c_char_p) helpText, (ARAccessNameType) owner, (c_char_p) changeDiary, (ARPropList) objPropList (c_char_p) objectModificationLogLabel
Output: errnr
(schema, fieldId, fieldName=None, fieldMap=None, option=None, createMode=None, fieldOption=None, defaultVal=None, permissions=None, limit=None, dInstanceList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None) SetField updates the definition for the form field.
arextern.h says the new attribute fieldOption is handed over to the server as the second to last argument, whereas the pdf file claims it comes before defaultVal. I’ll trust the .h file more for now...
- Input: schema,
- fieldId, fieldName = None, fieldMap = None, option = None, createMode = None, fieldOption = None, defaultVal = None, permissions = None, limit = None, dInstanceList = None, helpText = None, owner = None, changeDiary = None setFieldOptions = 0 objPropList = None
Output: errnr
(name, newName=None, order=None, workflowConnect=None, opSet=None, enable=None, query=None, actionList=None, elseList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, errorFilterOptions=None, errorFilterName=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) SetFilter updates the filter.
The changes are added to the server immediately and returned to users who request information about filters. Input: name,
newName (optional, default = None) order (optional, default = None) workflowConnect (optional, default = None) opSet (optional, default = None) enable (optional, default = None) query (optional, default = None) actionList (optional, default = None) elseList (optional, default = None) helpText (optional, default = None) owner (optional, default = None) changeDiary (optional, default = None) objPropList (optional, default = None) errorFilterOptions (optional, default = None) errorFilterName (optional, default = None) (c_char) objectModificationLogLabel (optional, default = None)Output: errnr
(schema, entryId, fieldList, getTime=0, option=None, idList=None) SetGetEntry bundles the following API calls into one call: SetEntry and GetEntry
Please note: self.arsl will be set to the geStatus list! Input: schema
entryId: entryId to be updated or for join forms: a list of tuples ((schema, entryid), ...) fieldList: a dict or a list of tuples: ((fieldid, value), (fieldid, value), ...) (optional) getTime (the server compares this value with the
value in the Modified Date core field to determine whether the entry has been changed since the last retrieval.)- (optional) option (for join forms only; can be AR_JOIN_SETOPTION_NONE
(optional) idList (list of ids or ARInternalIdList)
Output: (getFieldList, seStatus, geStatus) or raise ARErrir in case of Failure
(name, newName=None, imageBuf=None, imageType=None, description=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) SetImage updates the image with the indicated name on the specified server. After the image is updated, the server updates all references and object property timestamps for schemas affected by the change. Input: name (ARNameType)
newName (ARNameType, default = None) imageBuf (ARImageDataStruct, default = None) imageType (c_char_p, default = None) description (c_char_p, default= None) helpText (c_char_p, default = None) owner (ARAccessNameType, dfault = None) changeDiary (c_char_p, default = None) objPropList (ARPropList, default = None) (c_char) objectModificationLogLabel (optional, default = None)Output: errnr
(schema, fieldIdList, fieldNameList=None, fieldMapList=None, optionList=None, createModeList=None, fieldOptionList=None, defaultValList=None, permissionListList=None, limitList=None, dInstanceListList=None, helpTextList=None, ownerList=None, changeDiaryList=None, setFieldOptionList=None, objPropListList=None, setFieldStatusList=None) SetMultipleFields updates the definition for a list of fields with the specified IDs on the specified form on the specified server.
This call produces the same result as a sequence of ARSetField calls to update the individual fields, but it can be more efficient because it requires only one call from the client to the AR System server and because the server can perform multiple database operations in a single transaction and avoid repeating operations such as those performed at the end of each individual call.
(name, newName=None, schema=None, schemaInheritanceList=None, groupList=None, admingrpList=None, getListFields=None, sortList=None, indexList=None, archiveInfo=None, auditInfo=None, defaultVui=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, objPropList=None, setOption=None, objectModificationLogLabel=None) SetSchema updates the definition for the form.
If the schema is locked, only the indexList and the defaultVui can be set. Input: (ARNameType) name,
(ARNameType) newName (optional, default = None), (ARCompoundSchema) schema (optional, default = None), (ARSchemaInterheritanceList) schemaInheritanceList (optional, default = None), (ARPermissionList) groupList (optional, default = None), (ARInternalIdList) admingrpList (optional, default = None), (AREntryListFieldList) getListFields (optional, default = None), (ARSortList) sortList (optional, default = None), (ARIndexList) indexList (optional, default = None), (ARArchiveInfoStruct) archiveInfo (optional, default = None), (ARAuditInfoStruct) auditInfo (optional, default = None), (ARNameType) defaultVui (optional, default = None), (c_char_p) helpText (optional, default = None), (ARAccessNameType) owner (optional, default = None), (c_char_p) changeDiary (optional, default = None), (c_uint) objPropList (optional, default = None), (c_uint) setOption (optional, default = None) (c_char_p) objectModificationLogLabel (optional, default = None)Output: errnr
(name, newName, chars=None, owner=None, objProperties=None) SetTask: undocumented function
- Input: (ARNameType) name
- (ARNameType) newName (c_char) chars (ARAccessNameType) owner (ARPropList) objProperties
Output: errnr
(schema, vuiId, vuiName=None, locale=None, vuiType=None, dPropList=None, helpText=None, owner=None, changeDiary=None, smObjProp=None) SetVUI updates the form view (VUI).
- Input: schema,
- vuiId, (optional) vuiName = None, (optional) locale = None, (optional) vuiType=None, (optional) dPropList=None, (optional) helpText=None, (optional) owner=None, (optional) changeDiary=None (optional) smObjProp=None
Output: errnr
(server='', user='', password='', language='', authString='', tcpport=0, rpcnumber=0) Bases: