Tutorial for usage of pyars.erars

This tutorial covers the more convenient function wrappers for the ARSystem API that you can access using pythonic data structures (as opposed to the low level C API functions, which are covered in the original tutorial).

The ARSystem API offers many different function calls to talk to the ARSystem server. The pyars.ars module makes them available to Python scripts (e.g. ARGetListSchema) – you have to use the Remedy data structures. When migration from an existing C API program, this may be the most appropriate way.

The pyars.erars module offers its own version of each API function (without the AR at the beginning, e.g. GetListSchema) that you can use with pythonic arguments (lists and tuples instead of C based data structures).

So where is the main difference, you ask? You can either

  • import pyars.ars and use the C level functions (beginning with AR, like ARGetEntry) using low level, C data structures
  • import pyars.erars and use the more pythonic versions of the wrappers (which all have the exact same name as the C level functions, without the AR prefix, like GetEntry)

Having said this, so far mainly the *Entry functions have seen a much nicer interface due to the pythonic conversion layer, where you can now use dictionaries for retrieving entries, setting entries or retrieving many entries at once etc. Also, handing over arguments is now easier, as many functions will convert python data structures into the appropriate C data structures. Looking at the generated documentation of erARS should give you an indication of what you need to handover.

There is also a module called ercmdb which follows the same guidelines and tries to make the CMDB functions better accesible. However, as my project currently has no need for this and the user community has not cried out for this, it’s currently a sleeping beauty.

Retrieving a single entry

The most often used use case is probably working with entries. Let’s see, how we can retrieve, modify and create entries... We start with retrieving the entry with id ‘000000000000001’ from Form User. If this does not exist on your server, please modify this example accordingly to match your environment.

from pyars import erars, cars
ars = erars.erARS()
ars.Login('server', 'user', 'password')
# error handling is left as an exercise to the reader :-)
entry = ars.GetEntry('User', '000000000000001')

‘entry’ now contains a pythonic dictionary with the fieldids as keys, and the values as value: {field1: ‘string’, field2: 236, ...}. In our example, we would like to print out all fields:

for fieldid in entry.keys():
    print '%d: %s' % (fieldid, entry[fieldid])

Or if you would like to limit the output to the character fields:

for fieldid in entry.keys():
    if isinstance(entry[fieldid], str):
        print '%d: %s' % (fieldid, entry[fieldid])

Modifying an entry

Now let’s modify this entry (reusing the entryId from the example above) by changing the contents of the field Full Name (that’s the name of field 8 on the form User, typically):

newFieldValue = { 8 : 'new user name', 103 : 'new_email@domain.com'}
res = ars.SetEntry('User', entryId, newFieldValue)
if ars.errnr > 1:
    print 'ERROR modifying entry!'

Of course, the dictionary newFieldValue can take on more than just one field with a new value!

If you compare those two examples with the C level examples, you will see that using the more pythonic functions reduced the amount of glue code dramatically and makes for a much better readable and maintainable code.

Creating entries

Before you can retrieve or modify entries, you will have to create them.

fieldValue = { 101 : 'testuser',
    8 : 'New User',
    103: 'my@email.com',
    7 : 0, # status: Active
    109 : 2, # floating license
    110 : 0 # no fts license
entryId = ars.CreateEntry('User', fieldValue)
if ars.errnr > 1:
    print 'ERROR modifying entry!'

If this did not work out, see below the section for error handling – maybe your user form is customized and requires some additional fields?

Delete an entry

Then, finally, if you want to delete an entry:

result = ars.DeleteEntry('User', entryId)

Working with field names instead of field ids

As you can see in the example above, the code is not utterly readable. As python is very much about readability, this needs to be changed. There is this useful function called GetFieldTable (the idea is taken over from ARSPerl), that gets you another dictionary of fieldnames : fieldids:

userFields = ars.GetFieldTable('User')

If you look at the resulting dictionary userFields, you will see something like:

>>> userFields
{'Application License': 122L, 'Force Password Change On Login': 124L,
'Status': 7L, 'Computed Grp List': 119L...}

With this information, we can rewrite the last example to:

userFields = ars.GetFieldTable('User')
fieldValue = {
    userFields['Login Name']       : 'testuser',
    userFields['Full Name']        : 'New User',
    userFields['Email Address']    : 'my@email.com',
    userFields['Status']           : 0,          # status: Active
    userFields['License Type']     : 2,          # floating license
    userFields['Full Text License Type'] : 0     # no fts license
entryId = ars.CreateEntry('User', fieldValue)
if ars.errnr > 1:
    print 'ERROR modifying entry!'

Retrieve a list of entries

If you don’t have the entry ids, you can search for entries (GetListEntry) or even get the data for the entries returned immediately (GetListEntryWithFields). Let’s concentrate on the second and retrieve the values for the fieldids 1, 5 and 8 for all entries in the form ‘User’:

# the following is the list of fields we will retrieve for every result entry
fields = (1,5,8)
(entries, numMatches) = ars.GetListEntryWithFields(form,

entries now contains a tuple, consisting of a dictionary and and integer showing the number of found entries that match the query on the form. On my server, entering “entries” and hitting return prints out the complete dictionary with 500 entries, therefore let’s first:

>>> numMatches
>>> entries['000000000000002']
{8L: 'Axel Seibert', 1L: '000000000000002', 5L: 'Demo'}
>>> entries.keys()
['000000000020462', '000000000023613', '000000000020393', '000000000020099', '000000000020392', ...]
>>> entries['000000000000003'].keys()
[8L, 1L, 5L]

This was interactive, but of course, it’s very easy to go through all the elements:

for entry in entries:
    print '''User: %s with entryId: %s''' % (entries[entry][8],

Now, let’s change this to use the fieldnames instead of the fieldids:

for entry in entries:
    print '''User: %s with entryId: %s''' % (entries[entry][userFields['Full Name']],
                                             entries[entry][userFields['Request ID']])

And again, we don’t need to remember to free the memory, as erARS has already done so.

Please note: This example leaves the error handling as an exercise to the reader; typically, you should test ars.errnr after each API call for values greater than 1 (errors) and possibly 1 (warning). Only the error number 0 signals a successful call.

Retrieving a certain subset of entries

When we used GetListEntry in the last example, the second parameter was set to None. This is a query that you can pass on to limit the results:

entries = ars.GetListEntryWithFields(form,
                    "'Email Address' LIKE \"%@google.com\"",

The syntax is the same as in the extended search bar (in other words, field names need to be encapsulated with single quotation marks), just make sure to escape the quotation marks within the string correctly.

Retrieving an attachment into a buffer

This is also quite easy, but might be an exercise for the future to also offer a more pythonic version for the ARLocStruct...

# prepare a structure for the attachment, specify option BUFFER
loc = cars.ARLocStruct(cars.AR_LOC_BUFFER)
att = ars.GetEntryBLOB (form, 'yourentryid', 600010600, loc)
if att.u.buf.bufSize > 0:
    # assuming a plain text file
    print string_at(att.u.buf.buffer)

Retrieving an attachment as a file

# prepare a structure for the attachment, specify option BUFFER
loc = cars.ARLocStruct(cars.AR_LOC_FILENAME)
loc.u.filename = r'c:\temp\attachment.txt'
att = ars.GetEntryBLOB (form, 'yourentryid', fieldid, loc)

And the file is created in the filesystem automatically for you. You wonder, what the ‘r’ is in front of the file name? It’s the python convention for raw strings, in other words, python will ignore the ‘’, as it normally indicates the beginning of a special character.

Uploading an attachment as a file

Starting with release 1.2.5 of pyars, uploading an attachment is especially easy, when you have it as a file (other usecases are currently not supported by erars).

# prepare a structure for the attachment, specify option BUFFER
result = ars.SetEntry(form, 'yourentryid',
{fieldId: (fileName, 0, 0, fileName)})

erars will recognize when you hand over a 4-tuple as a special use case and assume that you define an attachment with (attachmentName, origSize, compressedSize, fileName). Then, the file is uploaded from the filesystem automatically for you.

Get a list of schemas from an ARSystem

In this part we will retrieve the list of schemas from the ARSystem:

listSchema = ars.GetListSchema()   # fetch a list of all schema names
if ars.errnr < 2:
    for i in range(len(listSchema)):
        print listSchema[i]
        schema = ars.GetSchema(listSchema[i]) # now fetch the detail information for this schema
        # schema is one of the convenience structures...
        # print out the help text for this schema:
        print schema.helpText
        ars.ARFree(schema) # free the memory
    print "error retrieving list of schemas!"

As there is no nice structure defined by Remedy/BMC that would hold all relevant schema information (as retrieved by ARGetSchema) we came up with our own structure:

class ARSchema(Structure):
_fields_ =  [("name", cars.ARNameType),
             ("schema", cars.ARCompoundSchema),
             ("schemaInheritanceList", cars.ARSchemaInheritanceList),
             ("groupList", cars.ARPermissionList),
             ("admingrpList", cars.ARInternalIdList),
             ("getListFields",  cars.AREntryListFieldList),
             ("sortList", cars.ARSortList),
             ("indexList", cars.ARIndexList),
             ("archiveInfo", cars.ARArchiveInfoStruct),
             ("defaultVui", cars.ARNameType),
             ("helpText", c_char_p),
             ("timestamp", cars.ARTimestamp),
             ("owner", cars.ARAccessNameType),
             ("lastChanged", cars.ARAccessNameType),
             ("changeDiary", c_char_p),
             ("objPropList", cars.ARPropList)]

So, in a sense, those additional structures allow us to be a litte bit more pythonic than with the usual data structures.

Please note: looking back at this, with erARS in the wild, this now seems like a bad decision to implement those helper data structures already in pyars.ars. They really should have gone into pyars.erars. Maybe I will correct this in a later release, as it will break backwards compatibility

To demonstrate how you can use the lookup dictionary (assuming, you set up a connection with your ARS):

from pyars import cars
field = ars.GetField('User', 7)
print 'field %s(%d) of type %s' % (field.fieldName,

In the file cars.py you will find the definition of this dictionary. So if you want to print out something, go in there and search for the constant.

At the end of your session, it’s always a good idea to logoff:


Python makes it easy to log off from the system in any case:

    ... # some code

Error handling

If something goes wrong in one of the examples above, you typically see the following output in your console:

2009-08-18 18:35:06,187 pyars.ars DEBUG enter ARCreateEntry...
2009-08-18 18:35:06,375 pyars.ars ERROR ARCreateEntry for schema User failed

To make sure you catch errors in the API calls, you can check the ars.errnr after each api call:

if ars.errnr > 1:
    ars.logger.error('something went wrong with this api call!')

Maybe you did not fill in all required fields? The Remedy server offers the status message, that most often explains why an API call did not work. In order to give you easier access to the status messages, I created a function called statusText() that will return the strings of the message:


For example, this will print out the following error:

ERROR (307): Required field (without a default) not specified
ERROR (307): Required field (....'

Maybe you do not see the line break but just a concatenated single liner...

A more detailed look at retrieving an entry

from pyars import erars

If you run into problems at this line, pyars cannot find the Remedy libraries to connect to your Remedy server. On windows, that means, that you don’t have a user tool or admin tool installed or strange entries in the registry. Make sure that the path to your libraries is contained in the system path.

ars = erars.erARS() # instantiate a session object
connection = ars.Login('server', 'user', 'password') # store the connection

There are different API calls to retrieve form entries from an ARsystem, let’s start with ARGetEntry, and let’s fetch the ‘User’ entry with entryid 1:

form = 'User' # this is the form
entryid = 1 # this is the entryid that we would like to retrieve
entry = ars.GetEntry(form, entryid)

Here you can see the difference to the low level C data structures (compare that with the C level function call!). And you do not need to worry about the request-id: erARS will try to convert it for you, so in this case, even the integer 1 is enough. This of course is not always the case, but you could as well call with a string:

entry = ars.GetEntry(form, '1')

or with the correct request-id:

entry = ars.GetEntry(form, '000000000000001')

Now, that we have received something from the server, let’s have a look at that piece of data: When you enter:


you will see something along the following lines:

>>> {128L: None, 1L: '000000000000001', 2L: 'Demo1', 3L: 1172650162,
4L: None, 5L: '....}

So, erARS has converted the C level data structures into a pythonic dictionary where you can use the keys() functions to get all fieldids and then use those to retrieve the values for each fieldid extremely fast. Or you can use the len() function to find out how many values you have been returned:


Now the old tutorial guides you through some helper functions that erARS already brings to the table, so we can skip all this and directly use the Python dictionary:

print entry[1]

And finally, we don’t need to free the memory any more, as erARS has taken care of this.

migrating from ARSPerl

The following functions are defined in ARSPerl, and have been implemented in pyARS as well to ease migration:

  • GetFieldByName: is available as erars.GetFieldByName()
  • GetFieldTable: is available as erars.GetFieldTable()
  • APIVersion(): This routine is available as erars.APIVersion() and returns the “major” version of the API that pyARS has found on your system and that it will use. As pyARS is not compiled against a specific API version, it’s impossible to implement exactly the same behaviour.
  • decodeStatusHistory: is available as erars.DecodeStatusHistory()
  • EncodeDiary: is available as erars.EncodeDiary()
  • GetControlStructFields: is available as ars.ARGetControlStructFields() or erars.GetControlStructFields() (without any differences)
  • GetCurrentServer: is available as ars.ARGetCurrentServer() or erars.GetCurrentServer() (without any differences)
  • GetProfileInfo: seems to be similar to erars.GetServerStatistics(). If you know of any differences, please let me know.
  • padEntryid: is available as ars.padEntryid()
  • errstr: is available as erars.errstr()
  • perl_qualifier: currently not supported; if you need this, let me know your use case, and either we find a workaround or we will try to implement this
  • simpleMenu: currently not supported

How to proceed

Generally speaking, you need to follow those steps:

  • Identify which API function you want to call
  • Identify which data structures this API call expects
  • Prepare those data structures
  • Call the API function
  • Identify which data structures this API call returns; have a look at the examples in ars_test.py and cmdb_test.py, respectively. You will find many helpful code snippets in there.
  • Have a look at the unit tests (ars_test.py and cmdb_test.py) which provide many useful examples.
  • Give us feedback, possibly submit code, patches.